You probably couldn't look me in the eyes and tell me with 100% sincerity that when someone is especially rude or cruel to you that you don't at least ponder the idea of revenge. The concept that fuels movies and stories we can't get enough of? Yeah, that revenge. And if you've ever gotten revenge on someone then you know it feels so good. Let's face it, some people deserve a little revenge.
While you read through these insane and epic tales of revenge remind yourself to think twice before being rude to the next person you see. Or if that doesn't jive for ya, live vicariously through their successes! It will still feel good.
1. Dogone Revenge
A stray dog was kicked by the owner of this video so he returned with a pack of his friends to seek revenge. Dogs are great.Daily Mail
2. Epic Review of Epic Revenge
Scorned lovers make for the best revenge seekers.Amazon