Entitled Parrot Owner Thinks He Can Get His Neighbor To Pet Sit For His Bird Because She Works From Home
She declines, saying she needs to concentrate on her work.

Working from home is fantastic for the freedom it provides, but there's a flipside, too. Some folks might not fully understand that it's a real job and could end up interrupting your work hours.
It can be tricky to keep work and home life separate in these situations. For example, if you still live with your parents, they might ask you to do some errands for them or try to strike up a conversation right in the middle of important client meetings.
Or if you're a parent and you have toddlers or preschoolers, the little ones might ask you to play with them. And even if you've tried setting boundaries with your family members, you still can't seem to establish those with yourself.
You end up working even when you're supposed to have your lunch and coffee break since you're eating at your desk. In other words, working from home gives you another set of challenges.
One Redditor is also facing this problem, but it isn't because of kids or family members. This time, it's an entitled neighbor.
The original poster (OP) told the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) community that she has a neighbor who owns a parrot. This guy asks her to take care of it while he's away because she's working from home, and it gets lonely.
She declines, saying that she needs to concentrate on her work. But the parrot owner and the other neighbors think she's being unreasonable.
The OP works from home, so her neighbor thinks she has the time and flexibility to care for his parrot.

She shares the situation with an online community and wonders if she's the a-hole for refusing to care for the parrot.

This parrot owner doesn't deserve the bird.
He isn't even considering what could happen if it spends more time with another person.

Imagine having meetings and there's a talking parrot beside you.

Having a parrot within a workspace isn't ideal because things can get messy.

These people, sadly, don't understand that a work-from-home setup is just like any other day job.

The neighbor is too ignorant about parrots if he thinks he can just ask anyone to watch over it while they work.

The bird isn't anybody's responsibility. He can always find someone who's willing to watch over it.

The neighbor made a bad decision of owning this parrot.

She shouldn't even bother justifying this. A simple "no" is enough.

The neighbor isn't entitled to the OP's time, whether or not she works from home. It was a questionable decision on his part to own a parrot.
If he doesn't have the time to bond with it because of work, then he shouldn't have brought one home. Parrots require a considerable amount of attention, social interaction, and mental stimulation to thrive.
They are intelligent, social creatures that can develop behavioral problems if left alone for extended periods. It is a commitment that clearly the owner isn't willing to take seriously.
He should just give up the parrot to someone who can actually take care of it.
