30 Outrageous Requests By Delusional Parents Searching For Nannies

If watching your kids is so easy, why do you need help?

30 Outrageous Requests By Delusional Parents Searching For Nannies

Being a nanny is an incredibly rewarding job, but it can also be a challenge. One of the biggest challenges of being a nanny is managing the relationship between the parents and the nanny.

Parents can be very demanding and may have unrealistic expectations of their nanny. They may also not respect the boundaries of the nanny-parent relationship, which can lead to conflict.

The nanny also needs to be able to deal with any issues that arise with the children, such as behavioral problems. This can be difficult as the nanny may not have the authority to discipline the children and instead must use more subtle methods of discipline.

In light of the growing need for nannies to help care for children in households around the world, finding the perfect fit for one's family can be quite challenging. But, in their pursuit of the best for their children, some parents may be setting unrealistic expectations for what they are looking for in a nanny.

After all, it only makes sense for a parent to want the best for their kids, especially as they are just starting to learn about the world. A nanny can be the perfect companion to help them along the way, but some parents may be approaching the search with unrealistic expectations.

From expecting a live-in nanny to offering free hands-on parenting experience, these outrageous nanny job ads beg the question: what could they have been thinking?

1. "Please Perform Slave Labor For Our Self-Reliant Child Who Still Needs A Nanny McPhee"

1. sorrygirl818

2. "Pay Me To Live In My Master Bedroom And Babysit My Kids"

2. winter_laurel

3. "What's The Going Rate For Full-Time Childcare For A Kid With Special Needs?"

3. notjonbrown

4. "Childcare Is So Easy, It Should Be Cheap Right?"

4. Ultramass

5. "I Just Love The Way They Think"

5. Fauntleroyfauntleroy

6. "Fifty Cents An Hour For Quality In-Home Childcare"

6. 17bananapancakes

7. "$100 For A 60-Hour Per Week Plus Vegan Food Costs Sounds Like A Deal"

7. rmkp727

8. "I Wonder Why Her Babysitter Stopped Texting Her For Less Than $2 An Hour"

8. KattLahiff

9. "Woman Is Always Begging In Our Neighborhood Page But Wants Childcare On A Premium Day And Thinks It’ll Be Cheap"

9. gkcontra

10. "2.73 Per Hour Is A Normal Rate For Childcare, Apparently"

10. ManePonyMom

11. "Nanny For 1-2k A Year? Awesome"

11. miuufin

12. "What Do You Mean You Can't Afford It"

12. Complete-Zucchini-85

13. "Free Babysitter Needed"

13. janecgard

14. "Woman Wants $2-3/Hour Childcare"

14. EarthlyAmbush

15. "She Wants Childcare/Housekeeper For $1.70/Hour. The Sad Part Is People Are Actually Offering To Do It At Her Price"

15. chazmms

16. "Wanted: Live-In Slave"

16. BubbaMonsterOP

17. "75 Cents An Hour For Babysitting"

17. alexpleasestop23

18. "Wanna Earn Less Than Minimum Wage With Triple The Responsibility?"

18. tinypandamaker

19. "The Minimum Wage Is Almost $15/Hour In My Country, Yikes"

19. KateEatsWorld

20. "Single Mom Would Like To Pay Less Than 2$ An Hour For Childcare"

20. queenkeels

21. "Babysitter Needed"

21. greatdane_mom

22. "Babysitter Wanted, Must Be In Collage"

22. goldbricker83

23. "Anyone Who Has Worked In Childcare Knows She Hit Babysitter Bingo"

23. reddit.com

24. "Need A Babysitter/Slave"

24. Pete_the_rawdog

25. "Delusional Babysitter Requirements"

25. protoss12345

26. "Pay Me To Be My Live-In Nanny"

26. Rich_Pangolin_2933

27. "Job Ad For Premier Pool Service. Am I Being Dramatic Or Getting Paid $10 An Hour To Do All This Is Just Insane?"

27. YouRAArsehole

28. "Any Master Graduates Looking For A Babysitting Job For 18$ A Day?"

28. Kakkernijntje

29. "Oh, You Just Need An Experienced Babysitter With A Very Specialized Skill Set Willing To Work For $20/Day. Comin' Right Up"

29. BodakBlonde

30. "Nanny For Free"

30. TrendingMemes

Time management can also be challenging for nannies, as they may be required to work long hours and be available at odd times. In addition, it can be challenging to juggle multiple tasks and ensure that all of the children’s needs are met.

Finally, the nanny has to balance the needs of the children and the parents. This can be a challenge as the nanny is expected to act as an extension of the parents while also providing care and nurturing to the children.
