Bus Driver Refuses To Bend The Rules For Entitled Mother's Son
The driver only has one rule and this mother wanted an exception for her son.
- Published in Interesting
In a recent Reddit post, a 35-year-old bus driver shared an incident from his summer camp bus route. He has a rule against spraying sunscreen on the bus, as the windows must be kept up due to the air conditioning, and the sunscreen's odor becomes overwhelming.
Most kids follow the rule without issue, except for a 7-year-old boy named R, who has a daily conversation with the bus counselors about using sunscreen on the bus.
R insists that his mom wants him to apply sunscreen on the bus, but the counselors explain that he needs to wait until they arrive at the camp. As expected, the repeated conversations stem from R's confusion about different rules at home and on the bus, typical for a young child.
One day, R's mom storms onto the bus during the morning stop and confronts OP. She berates him, asserting that he wouldn't understand the struggles of a working mom and how difficult it is for her child to wait in the sun without sunscreen.
Despite being a relatively small guy, OP stands his ground and firmly responds that he won't bend the rules for her or her child when other working parents follow them without complaints. The bus counselors intervene, asking the mom to leave the bus.
However, she complains to the camp about the incident. After reviewing the situation and talking to OP and counselors, the camp supports OP's decision, and the mom is no longer allowed to drop off her child.
Everyone involved, including the supervisor, camp director, counselors, and older kids, agreed that OP was in the right.
However, OP's wife is not on the same page. She believes that a man should never yell at a woman under any circumstances and thinks he should have bent the rules to accommodate the working mom's requests.
She claims that he couldn't understand the pressures faced by working mothers as he doesn't have a "real job."
OP works as a bus driver for a bus company that's hired by camps and schools
u/VangabusdriverOne of the kids that takes this bus, insists on putting on sunscreen in the bus, which OP doesn't allow
u/VangabusdriverRecently, that boy's mom stormed into the bus and started reaming OP, belittling him and his job
u/VangabusdriverOP shouted back at the mom, telling her that her son isn't special and that the rules apply for everyone
u/VangabusdriverThe mom then called the camp and complained, but everyone sided with OP
u/VangabusdriverThe only reason OP is sharing this story on Reddit is because his wife believes that he shouldn't have yelled at the mom
u/VangabusdriverTension have been high between OP and his wife for the past few days
u/VangabusdriverNo, she does not
u/SputtrosaEntitled mother
u/WhatTheFoxWritesThere's a bigger problem here
u/ph4tphukThe Reddit community has shown overwhelming support for OP's actions, applauding him for sticking to the rules and not making exceptions for one individual. They recognize that gender shouldn't play a role in determining whether someone is allowed to enforce rules or stand up for their principles.
Ultimately, OP's decision to uphold the rules benefits all the children on the bus, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment during their commute to the summer camp.