Injured Woman Deals With Impatient Entitled Dad In The Emergency Room While She Bleeds From Her Head Wound

He ignored the queue numbers and wanted his son to be the priority patient

Injured Woman Deals With Impatient Entitled Dad In The Emergency Room While She Bleeds From Her Head Wound

Medical emergencies can be mortifying when you live alone. A 26-year-old slipped and fell one Friday night when she was walking back to her apartment.

She lost her balance because the steep gravel path that led to her apartment was still damp from the morning rain. A man saw OP fall and quickly helped her up.

She hit her head on the ground, but OP was more embarrassed than hurt by the incident. She went inside her apartment and took her braids off.

OP noticed that her hair was damp. She thought it was caused by the dampness of the ground, but the blood-red color belied that assumption.

OP's vision blurred, and she started to see double. Her shame wasn't greater than her injury after all.

She wasted no time going to the nearest emergency room. She took a queue number and sat to wait for her turn.

OP felt the back of her shirt getting drenched with blood. Her hand was red from all the times she checked if the back of her head still bled.

Her neck, shoulders, and hair were all wet from her blood. She zipped her hoody all the way up and covered her head with the hood.

A few minutes later, a tourist who spoke English arrived at the ER with his son. The kid seemed fine but was clearly limping, while his dad was agitated by the amount of people in the waiting area.

Each time that a number was called with no patient approaching the nurses' station, the dad stood up to pretend it was their turn

Each time that a number was called with no patient approaching the nurses' station, the dad stood up to pretend it was their turnu/Fire_alarm_010622

They had the wrong queue number, so the nurses turned them away each time

They had the wrong queue number, so the nurses turned them away each timeu/Fire_alarm_010622

An hour-and-a-half later, it was finally OP's turn. The impatient called out to her as she was walking towards the nurses' station

An hour-and-a-half later, it was finally OP's turn. The impatient called out to her as she was walking towards the nurses' stationu/Fire_alarm_010622

The dad asked if they could go first because his kid was injured. OP asked how bad was his son's injury.

The dad asked if they could go first because his kid was injured. OP asked how bad was his son's injury.u/Fire_alarm_010622

His son was limping, he said. OP was walking well enough, so she should let them go ahead. OP took her hood down, her entire back was drenched in blood at this point. Other patients gasped when they saw.

His son was limping, he said. OP was walking well enough, so she should let them go ahead. OP took her hood down, her entire back was drenched in blood at this point. Other patients gasped when they saw.u/Fire_alarm_010622

OP asked the dad again if he still thought they should get priority treatment. He stammered for OP to go ahead. OP got her stitches and concussion diagnosed. Her favorite shirt was still ruined.

OP asked the dad again if he still thought they should get priority treatment. He stammered for OP to go ahead. OP got her stitches and concussion diagnosed. Her favorite shirt was still ruined.u/Fire_alarm_010622

Redditors were shocked that OP had to wait that long while bleeding from a head wound

Redditors were shocked that OP had to wait that long while bleeding from a head woundOddSetting5077, Fire_alarm_010622

Life-threatening emergencies took priority over OP's concussion

Life-threatening emergencies took priority over OP's concussionoldnurse65, sluttypidge, EuropeSusan

They did see her injury before she sat down to wait

They did see her injury before she sat down to waitJen5872, sathzur

A lot of tough calls are made every minute in an ER. OP was able to walk, maintain balance, and was conscious.

A lot of tough calls are made every minute in an ER. OP was able to walk, maintain balance, and was conscious.cadmium2093, Fire_alarm_010622

It sucked that she had to wait for more than an hour to get treated while she actively bled sitting on an uncomfortable chair

It sucked that she had to wait for more than an hour to get treated while she actively bled sitting on an uncomfortable chaircadmium2093

OP said she didn't think people would fixate on her ER's waiting time. She just wanted to tell the story of an entitled dad who was accompanied by his injured child who showed more composure than him.

OP said she didn't think people would fixate on her ER's waiting time. She just wanted to tell the story of an entitled dad who was accompanied by his injured child who showed more composure than him.Fire_alarm_010622

That dad was probably panicking because he had no idea how severe his son's injury was. His anxiety turned his self-importance to the max because he was either worried sick about his son or he wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
