Entitled Dad Tries To Steal Cat For His Entitled Son But Gets Stopped, Attempts Killing The Cat Instead

Some people can be so mean and wicked

Entitled Dad Tries To Steal Cat For His Entitled Son But Gets Stopped, Attempts Killing The Cat Instead

Being entitled is a personality trait that is not unique to children who have been spoiled. It's common to feel that you should receive preferential treatment or recognition for something you haven't worked hard for.

Arguably, there aren't many people as irritating as entitled ones. It can be incredibly frustrating when people expect others to drop everything at the drop of a hat or give them special treatment for reasons that are only known to them.

After becoming parents, some people experience a sense of entitlement because they feel, for whatever reason, that in some situations, having a kid is equivalent to having a pass for privileges. Because of this, their entitlement frequently serves as the basis for online memes, giving people something to laugh at while scrolling through their feeds—or perhaps something to connect to if they've actually encountered an entitled parent in the wild.

Even though we don't want to spend time with entitled people, we occasionally get the "pleasure" of doing so. However, some of us choose not to waste time and energy on pointless fights, while others get out their phones and properly publicly humiliate these jerks on the internet.

And it's all visible to us in the light of day. The most horrifying and blood-curdling example of how some people are completely out of touch with reality and light years away from it is what you're about to see in today's story.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/RandomUser_42

They all have dinner, and OP's dad asks him and the entitled kid to go sit on the couch and watch some TV

They all have dinner, and OP's dad asks him and the entitled kid to go sit on the couch and watch some TVReddit/RandomUser_42

Entitled dad proceeded to slam the cat into the floor but luckily, he wasn’t hurt, and they were asked to leave

Entitled dad proceeded to slam the cat into the floor but luckily, he wasn’t hurt, and they were asked to leaveReddit/RandomUser_42

Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to chirp into the story

Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to chirp into the storyReddit/RandomUser_42

He wants the cat to be his son's but still wants it dead

He wants the cat to be his son's but still wants it deadReddit/RandomUser_42

This Redditor would kill anyone who did that to their cat

This Redditor would kill anyone who did that to their catReddit/RandomUser_42

The cats ought to be safe on the internet

The cats ought to be safe on the internetReddit/RandomUser_42

This Redditor is pretty angry with the entitled dad

I would punch him in the face, that's animal abuse! I have two cats myself, so if anyone tried to take them or hurt then they would know what I am capable of. Stealing my cats would not be successful as my cats never go outsider, you would end up quite deep scratchs and the cat running back upstairs.


This Redditor doesn't understand what is wrong with some people

This Redditor doesn't understand what is wrong with some peopleReddit/RandomUser_42

They'll believe this Redditor's argument a little more

They'll believe this Redditor's argument a little moreReddit/RandomUser_42

This Redditor would have instantly tackled the entitled dad

This Redditor would have instantly tackled the entitled dadReddit/RandomUser_42

A lot of these entitled people seem to have the same idea

A lot of these entitled people seem to have the same ideaReddit/RandomUser_42

Anybody who knows anything about the cat should know this

Anybody who knows anything about the cat should know thisReddit/RandomUser_42

It makes sense that all parents would want the best for their children. Particularly when a youngster is still a stranger to the outside world, and you need assistance guiding them through this large and complicated setting.

It doesn't mean you have to order people around and take things belonging to them. Leave your thoughts about this story in the comments section below, and don't forget to share as well.
