13 Hilarious Posts About How Crazy, Weird and Funny The English Language Can Be

People who learned English as a second language have a few bones to pick

  • Published in Funny
13 Hilarious Posts About How Crazy, Weird and Funny The  English Language Can Be

English language is hard enough for native English speakers, let alone people who are forced to learn it later in life. Three different variants on the word 'there' (their and they're), three variants of 'to' (too and two), night and knight, isle and aisle - the list goes on and on.

Then there's apostrophes and all their many uses, colons and of course, the ever illusive semicolon. It's just really, really hard.

The thing is, while most native English speakers don't know a second language, English is one of the most common second languages and as a result, the ins-and-outs of this strange and mysterious language are widely discussed (and laughed about) on the internet.

Check out some of the funniest commentaries on English as a language below, you won't be disappointed.

Fair call

Why, though?

Throwing shade with grammar.

prokopetz In the modern idiom: “So Bob said […]” indicates that I am directly quoting Bob. “Then Bob was like […]” indicates that I am paraphrasing Bob. “And Bob was all […]” indicates that I am paraphrasing Bob, and additionally I am being a dick about it. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s fantastic that we have a specific grammatical convention for that. #language #linguistics #word nerdery #penis mention #sort of #swearing 130,446 notes EMBED

Just stop!

All of them

No... we don't

Weird flex, but OK

Do you understand sh!t?

Humphrey Bogart spoke exactly like this



Garden path sentences...
