40 Times The English Language Confused The Heck Out Of People

Yep, learning the English language is quite the minefield once you get past the basics.

  • Published in Funny
40 Times The English Language Confused The Heck Out Of People

It's been said that English is one of the most difficult languages to learn. You may think, surely learning Chinese or perhaps Icelandic would have to be up there as some of the hardest tasks. But take it from those who have had to take on English as their second language - it's hard!

English is full of nonsensical characteristics, strange rules, and weird spelling. I mean, think about the spelling of Wednesday - just think about it!

Yep, learning the English language is quite the minefield once you get past the basics.

Scroll down for a look at some of the funniest experiences people have had whilst navigating through the English language.

#1 Toetips

#1 ToetipsSuave-Matthews

#2 Synonyms

#2 SynonymsRedBombX

#3 Defenestration

#3 Defenestrationweeping-wandrian

#4 Wouldiwas Shookspeared

#4 Wouldiwas Shookspeared[deleted]

#5 This Is English

#5 This Is Englishjust-shower-thoughts

#6 Weird

#6 Weirdtidywrities

#7 Antonyms

#7 Antonymsthinice41

#8 A Wail Of Anguish

#8 A Wail Of Anguishapollinares

#9 Silent Letters

#9 Silent LetterscherlishPanda

#10 and And and And and

#10 and And and And andnotmyname123007

#11 Double-V

#11 Double-Vsaranowitz

#12 En-ough Said

#12 En-ough Saidmadamplease

#13 That's Handy

#13 That's Handybisexualgambit

#14 Brits vs Americans

#14 Brits vs Americanstigerpellets

#15 Clever

#15 Cleverdailybadjokes

#16 No One Knows

#16 No One Knowsmariadamsfoster

#17 Good Question

#17 Good QuestionVaxtin

#18 It Bothers Me Too

#18 It Bothers Me TooSherman_Beardman

#19 Yeah, Why?

#19 Yeah, Why?MooSaysCow

#20 My Brain Hurts

#20 My Brain HurtsTweetSmarter

#21 Yep

#21 Yep[deleted]

#22 Mind = Blown

#22 Mind = Blownqikipedia

#23 Quirky

#23 QuirkySwibblestein

#24 Same But Different

#24 Same But Differentvolcanichamster

#25 0/10

#25 0/10invite-me-to-your-memories

#26 Ohh

#26 Ohhdylandipzz

#27 Same

#27 Same_charlmorgan

#28 "Oh Hey, I'm On The Car"

#28 [deleted]

#29 Even Stevens

#29 Even Stevensorangepek0e

#30 It Just Does, Okay?

#30 It Just Does, Okay?AdventurousMan

#31 Because... English

#31 Because... EnglishMarimelida

#32 Ridiculous

#32 Ridiculousemblian

#33 Umm

#33 UmmDjimmieboy

#34 Wait, Fingers Don't Fing?

#34 Wait, Fingers Don't Fing?Grammarly

#35 I'll Food a Food If I Want To

#35 I'll Food a Food If I Want ToMundaneRiot

#36 It Stresses Me Out Too, Gabbie

#36 It Stresses Me Out Too, GabbieGabbieHanna

#37 You's?

#37 You's? Unrelated96

#38 How The F?

#38 How The F?rudy_mustang

#39 You Would Think

#39 You Would Thinkkanoe170

#40 Harsh

#40 HarshFiasko21