30 Employer Red Flags That Potential Employees Might Not Immediately Spot

They can be quite tricky to spot sometimes.

30 Employer Red Flags That Potential Employees Might Not Immediately Spot

Gone are the days when people just let themselves get abused and overworked for years on end just for that little hope of getting better days soon. Now, more and more people are getting the courage to just simply drop it and leave when they experience even a bit of injustice in the workplace.

We think that's the way it should be. People shouldn't stand for toxic culture and make business owners or people in higher positions think it's okay not to give employees what's truly due to them.

Although this might put some businesses in difficult positions, it can also cause a lot of stress for workers looking for better opportunities who don't want to end up in companies just like the ones they just left.

Fortunately, the internet is here to prevent just that. Reddit user taylortaylortaylorrr decided to help out people in their job hunting journey by asking members of Ask Reddit to share things that they consider as red flags from an employer that others might not immediately recognize.

These people were kind enough to share their precious knowledge. From employers asking "Do you have children?" to them saying "Nobody works here for the money," there are definitely some more subtle signs job hunters should look out for.

Read on and check out these pieces of advice.

It's also worth mentioning that they might have a serious planning issue in their department

It's also worth mentioning that they might have a serious planning issue in their departmentheili

It seems like they're just sucking the young people dry of hopes and dreams

It seems like they're just sucking the young people dry of hopes and dreamsThirty_Helens_Agree

It also means you probably won't be doing anything actually related to your job description

It also means you probably won't be doing anything actually related to your job descriptionIDhl89

They seriously expect employees to degrade themselves further?

They seriously expect employees to degrade themselves further?LordMarshall

Oh no no, we work because it's just so much fun!

Oh no no, we work because it's just so much fun!EmperorPenguinNJ

Yeah, if they're already cheap on the coffee, they're probably cheap on everything else including salary and raises

Yeah, if they're already cheap on the coffee, they're probably cheap on everything else including salary and raisesreally-good-point

Translation: Your pay will be competing against your bills

Translation: Your pay will be competing against your billstopothesia773

They're just asking if, you know, you want to work overtime and not be paid

They're just asking if, you know, you want to work overtime and not be paidrockkicker27

That is just flat out deception if they do this

That is just flat out deception if they do this coolguytrav

They just have to make you miserable instead of just saying, "Yeah, we don't want to give you that raise."

They just have to make you miserable instead of just saying, Joeyjackhammer

Then are you just basically holding them hostage?

Then are you just basically holding them hostage?[deleted]

It meant flexible for them, not you

It meant flexible for them, not youOk-Advantage4191

We're passionate about not starving to death thank you

We're passionate about not starving to death thank youUnknownL_13

We're not family and no they're not also supposed to give family kind of payouts

We're not family and no they're not also supposed to give family kind of payouts[deleted]

Uhm, it's none of their business?

Uhm, it's none of their business?votefawnmoscato

They never really realize they're the reason some of their employees are leaving, do they?

They never really realize they're the reason some of their employees are leaving, do they?ClubMeSoftly

Keep these in mind because you might need them someday

Keep these in mind because you might need them somedaymfgfvd

Get all the info you need from that site so you know who to run from

Get all the info you need from that site so you know who to run fromgraffing

This one is a lie that is not well thought off

This one is a lie that is not well thought offMEDICARE_FOR_ALL

Beware all ye who dare enter this place

Beware all ye who dare enter this placePeachLeech

Little things like that would show you how much they actually care about you

Little things like that would show you how much they actually care about youSiveri16

Eventually, you'll get stuck in the middle of a situation nobody wants to be in

Eventually, you'll get stuck in the middle of a situation nobody wants to be inOrpheus6102

Not having an HR department is not something to brag about

Not having an HR department is not something to brag aboutabolish_gender

When it comes to nondescriptive salary ranges, you'll probably always end up on the lower end of it

When it comes to nondescriptive salary ranges, you'll probably always end up on the lower end of itJetSetJAK

Having a fast-paced environment is not a luxury

Having a fast-paced environment is not a luxuryCalkky

Similar to "ninjas," "gurus," or "superheroes"

Similar to Marquetan

They basically want you to live at work

They basically want you to live at workohio_redditor

They stay by choice because any other option is far worse

They stay by choice because any other option is far worsehowwouldiknow--

It shows who is really getting the money in the place

It shows who is really getting the money in the placecoffa_cuppee

Huge turnover problem right there alright

Huge turnover problem right there alrightFlyinpotatoman

When you're desperate for a job with better opportunities, where you might be treated better than you were in your last job, it can be easy to get deceived by sweet words and seemingly great offers but the truth is, you should be wary of those things. Keep looking for a job that is really worth it.

Hope this list of red flags could help you avoid all those unfair employers.
