Viral Post Made By Mom In 2 Year Old's Perspective Is Everything Humanity Didn't Know They Needed
Insightful mama turned inward to explain her toddlers behavior.

I'm a mom of three. T H R E E.
That means 3 wild different personalities, and 3 sets of ROARING emotions.
Life is downright hard sometimes. I like to joke to my friends with my famous line, 'Welcome to my choas.'
Good gracious, it's honestly such a pure statement. The chaos bombs hit when they argue, (HELLO SIBLING RIVALRY.) When they're sick. Or if one is just having a particularly rough day.
*Or when I'm having a rough day.
Because even though I'm a grown adult raising three tiny humans, I still ride the struggle bus. STILL.
But hey, that's okay.
No one has the how-to guide for life. We are all doing the best that we can, with what we have. Every day is a new chance for growth and no one gets out of this life alive anyways. So carry love in everything you do.
Kids or no kids.
Fortunately for parents, kids are the best at forgiving, and teaching us lessons as long as we are willing to listen. So if you're part of majority I'm speaking of, give grace in abundance, breathe like a bear when you're frustrated, and never forget your #1 job as a human is to be kind.?
The post went viral with over 71k shares

This post is powerful and I hope it really put things into perspective for those who don't have children. And the ones that do that are knee deep in the struggle.
Everyone struggles. As an adult, even you struggle. Can you just envision the struggle for a child, if for only a moment?
Truest words.

We owe our kids at least this much.

Being a parent isn't for the faint of heart. So if you know a parent (I'm sure you do) or if you are one, give them/yourself some grace. Its imperative to our survival. Tell them they're doing a great job! I promise no one with the mom or dad title could ever hear that too much.
Do you have any tips or tricks to add? Let us know in the comments!
Remmeber most, at the end of the day, we're all just walking each other home.
