24 Women Reveal Of The Most Embarrassing Things Their Exes Have Done
"Dating is just getting to know someone until you don’t like them anymore."
- Published in Interesting
There’s a saying that goes, "Dating is just getting to know someone until you don’t like them anymore," and I believe that that really sums it up. When you first meet a guy, he could come across as fantastic and charming.
But as you get to know him, you discover that he’s drinking beer through a straw (this is a true story that someone actually mentioned and you’ll see it down below). You could totally imagine the woman in question shrieking in shame when the guy actually picked up a straw.
What about dating someone who is a pushover and who loves seeking attention in front of his friends? What about encountering one who spits disgustingly in public?
Okay, what about dating someone that stops in his tracks only to shower praises on another girl while you just stand and watch? I know, it’s crazy, and there’s so much more to see below.
Yes, this post is a compilation of the embarrassing things that women's ex-partners have done that are wildly entertaining. And holy moly, reading those hurts a little.
I had no idea that I could feel uneasy with guys I'd never met before, but it seems to be feasible. Please let us know if you can top these stories after reading the stories below.
And the OP pops the question to r/AskWomen page
u/veryverygeneric1. Dude made me hold his hands
u/starglitter2. We were together for way longer than we should have
u/cleaning-meaning3. There's dozens of other wacky stories
u/DefiantBalance4. Heart in the right place but lacks tact
u/Pursuitofhappy955. A boyfriend that pisses in bottles
u/MidnightFireHuntress6. Thinking about it gives me a second hand embarrassment
u/No_Cod11547. Someone who loves to drink
u/Senior-South24328. He always made a stupid remark about the painting
u/Ms_Rarity9. He acted like a weakling at the sight of mayonnaise
u/Direct_Drawing_855710. An ex that didn't like family time
u/Daisybellana11. I can't imagine he's very healthy
u/lizard_ladder12. Turns out he wasn't even Nordic
u/jubeejuber13. A guy coming for a date with his mom
u/SausageMeetsRice14. When we had our most serious breaks
u/knifeymonkey15. An ex that spits in public
u/look_harder_16. What he does when we're in public and having a conversation
u/kyridwen17. He was the only drunk one
u/Peach_dragon18. He lacked the maturity and social awareness
u/nevertruly19. I left him the next day
u/Brakina20. My ex wouldn't brush until I reminded him
u/Sudden-Capybara21. He pretended he had an egg allergy
u/Kimmbley22. He and his friends made misogynistic comments
u/pairofstripedsocks23. Never cringed so hard in my life
u/prettydolly_x24. This is a wild one
u/Approximately_MeThe bad news is that these men are ex-partners, which means that you might encounter them while they are still single. If this were that kind of world, these individuals would not be available in the market and would not be engaging with the general population.
Do you have a similar story to share? Then, drop them in the comments section below.