26 Dad Jokes That Are So Borderline Bad And Embarrassing They Are Almost Too Hilarious To Ignore
If there's one thing that dad jokes are famous for, it's how insufferably bad they are, but that doesn't stop them from being embarassingly hilarious.

Dad jokes are one of the best highlights of Internet memes in the 21st century and for good reason. If there's one thing a typical father is good at, it's making their kids and wife laugh at these corny, this-will-make-them-groan, and pun-filled jokes and one-liners that will either make you facepalm or laugh at how bad it is.
But that's the beauty of it, dad jokes are so borderline uncool and cringe-worthy that it's almost impossible to choose if you want to laugh or grimace. These are jokes that have standards in their own league, and as horrible and cringe they may be, it sure is one way to turn a moment from miserable to miserably funny.
They are so peculiarly and weirdly funny that it's impossible to stifle a laugh or two!
It seems like these jokes are a rite of passage for every man that's on their way or already in their fatherhood. Most of these terrible one-liners are recognized by their lameness, cheesiness overload, horrible puns, and the classic response it gathers: "Daaaaaaad!".
Even those who are still yet to reach fatherhood seem to catch on the trend, too. Bad jokes are now generally labeled as dad jokes, because they are so bad that it's so good!
Come to think of it, the only difference between a bad joke and a dad joke is just "b" and "d." Only a few things in life are so bad that they are satisfyingly but terribly good—and dad jokes are surely at the top of that list.
1. Paranoia? No, that's just my job.

2. You asked a specific question, I'll give you a specific answer.

3. How the turn tables...

4. Yokes on you!

5. Just like the old times.

6. This joke is so terribly bony.

7. Doctor Strange who?

8. No, it's not coronavirus.

9. So much for bad news.

10. Well, he said the magic words.

11. Well, what am I here for?

12. Misinterpretations always come with a price.

13. This wasn't in the job description!

14. Don't need a superpower when you have puns in stock.

15. Can't you wait?

16. They were actually the World War 3.

17. How about sitting on them? Kidding!

18. No questions, no lies, just the truth.

19. It's in the name!

20. Could that help?

21. Well, she ain't wrong.

22. Sure, anything for a table.

23. Glad you asked that question.

24. I always knew I was special.

25. Got the answer.

26. Which one would you like me to do?

Dad jokes are definitely one of those things that never go stale, and for all the right reasons! Fatherhood is easily the best milestone for those who have always wanted to crack corny jokes here and then, and it's something that's enjoyed in all ages, no matter how pointless they may sometimes be.
The more pointless they are, the funnier they seem to be! Do you have your own "dad joke" to share?
Let's hear it in the comments below. Share this article with your family and friends for some good laughs!
