You'll Only Be Able To Relate To These Funny Memes If You Grew Up In The 80s
The 1980s in all of its glory.

The 1980s in all its glory hosted some of the most ridiculous fashion trends, such as crazy hairdos and the coolest pop culture tendencies, etc...
It was when MTV was launched for the first time ever and music videos started having a larger effect on the record industry, numerous technologies had an incalculable impact on the 1980s which led to some incredible and revolutionary advances.
It was such a unique time. If you missed it, you blew it! The greatest way to pay homage to that glorious decade is through memes, and even if you weren't there, you can still enjoy these hilarious memes.

It's echoing in your brain

A radio and alarm clock

The original fidget spinner

Living the life

As healthy as they come

Better than internet lyrics

You just blocked everyone

Who even needs Geotagging anymore

Ugly a** couch

In the palm of your hands

I blame Instagram tbh

The original Hunger Games

Old School McDonald's > Today's McDonald's

It was huuuuge

I wonder what he's up to these days
