40 Photos In Egypt That Will Make You Want To Visit It

There's more to this place than just the pyramids.

40 Photos In Egypt That Will Make You Want To Visit It

Egypt is undeniably one of the oldest and best places in the world that everyone ought to visit at least once in their lifetime. It has been home to many great Pharaohs, empires, and successful civilizations.

The country takes pride in its several historic monuments and sites that have a lot of stories, holy places, and awe-inspiring views of nature. When you travel to Egypt, you would have a pretty good idea of what to expect—but nothing beats the feeling of actually being there.

Very few people in the West have the privilege to see what Egypt is really all about. You might see photos of the pyramids and the Nile River on most platforms and image hosts on the Internet, but you don't see any photos from the markets in Cairo, fish market in Alexandria, and all the amazing temples you would get to visit if you ever travel to Luxor.

That being said, there is an online community in Reddit, r/Egypt, wherein people share photos that provide a deeper look into the beautiful country of Egypt. They go beyond the famous tourist spots and statues and highlight all the other amazing things that the country has to offer, which aren't always included in promotional tourism videos and pamphlets.

Take a look at some of the best posts in it below!

1. This Savage Sign

1. This Savage Signreddit.com

2. This Bench In The Library Of Alexandria, Egypt.

2. This Bench In The Library Of Alexandria, Egypt.Leena_Noor0

3. A Beautiful Sunset From An Airbnb

3. A Beautiful Sunset From An Airbnbwhosyourbaghdady

4. Street Cats In Egypt

4. Street Cats In EgyptSufficient-Refuse-98

5. Alexandria Sea After Quarantine

5. Alexandria Sea After QuarantineB4dr003

6. Red Sea From Space Egypt

6. Red Sea From Space EgyptDaveGameZ666

7. Einstein Variant Found In Kheir El-Zaman Supermarket

7. Einstein Variant Found In Kheir El-Zaman SupermarketSaifTaherIsGr8Again

8. El Minya, Egypt

8. El Minya, EgyptWild-Damage

9. The Sphinx In The Late 1800s

9. The Sphinx In The Late 1800s3askaryyy

10. Sunset In Cairo By Hossam Abbass

10. Sunset In Cairo By Hossam AbbassLevel-Worth7598

11. It Looks Brand New

11. It Looks Brand Newmuachraf

12. A Cute Tour Guide That Matches The Site

12. A Cute Tour Guide That Matches The Sitegamergirlsriseup

13. The Smiles Say It All

13. The Smiles Say It Allfesbanu

14. The Classic Pyramids Of Giza

14. The Classic Pyramids Of GizaJamila_Alzaabii

15. What A Wonderful World

15. What A Wonderful WorldLedoArt

16. "My Egyptian Neighbor Gave Me A Sampler Of Her Mom's Home Cooking. Omg. I've Never Had Food Like This Before."

16. eldersveld

17. Just A Day In Clairo

17. Just A Day In ClairoWaelMwafey

18. Taba, Egypt

18. Taba, EgyptJamila_Alzaabii

19. Portsaid

19. Portsaidfesbanu

20. Iconic

20. IconicYoYo_ismael

21. A Beautiful Shot

21. A Beautiful Shotmahmoud50569

22. This Steep Building In Alexandria, Egypt

22. This Steep Building In Alexandria, Egyptunknown

23. Pyramids Of Giza Along The Nile River

23. Pyramids Of Giza Along The Nile RiverMisery_Girl_1999

24. Just Chillin'

24. Just Chillin'plaYeRUnknwn

25. Amazing Alexandria

25. Amazing AlexandriaAlaaMaherr

26. Fruitful Life In Egypt

26. Fruitful Life In Egyptmahmoud50569

27. An A.I.-Generated Photo Of What Pharaoh Ramses II May Have Looked Like (1,303 - 1,213 Bc).

27. An A.I.-Generated Photo Of What Pharaoh Ramses II May Have Looked Like (1,303 - 1,213 Bc).Pluto-NO

28. Egyptian Belt Seller Showing That The Belts They Sell Are High Quality

28. Egyptian Belt Seller Showing That The Belts They Sell Are High QualityZillak

29. El Sakakini Pasha Palace, Cairo, Egypt. 🇪🇬

29. El Sakakini Pasha Palace, Cairo, Egypt. 🇪🇬reddit.com

30. The Basuna Mosque, A Mosque In Sohag That Won Global Architecture Awards

30. The Basuna Mosque, A Mosque In Sohag That Won Global Architecture AwardsKingDahab

31. Banana Ice Creams

31. Banana Ice CreamsAbdelrahman_eltahhan

32. Egyptian Weather

32. Egyptian Weatherkarimy22

33. Art

33. Artmahmoud50569

34. Beautiful And Colorful Nubian Houses In Egypt And Sudan

34. Beautiful And Colorful Nubian Houses In Egypt And Sudanhusseinjabir97

35. Kings And Queens Being Moved To The New Grand Egyptian Museum

35. Kings And Queens Being Moved To The New Grand Egyptian MuseumEconort816

36. This Beats The Pyramids

36. This Beats The PyramidsEdicaranFauna

37. Impressive

37. ImpressiveWaelMwafey

38. Cute Little Dog Shoes

38. Cute Little Dog Shoesw-a-n-n

39. This Caring Man With His Cat On The Streets

39. This Caring Man With His Cat On The StreetsNoura_Fatnasi

40. A Large And Beautiful Tree In Cairo

40. A Large And Beautiful Tree In Cairoreddit.com

Egypt is just one of those places that a lot of people would put in their bucket lists to visit, alongside the likes of Greece, Rome, and New Zealand. What's amazing is that once they get there, they always get to see a bit more than just the famous pyramids!

Comment down your thoughts, or share these photos for all your family and friends to see!
