Earless Cat In Recovery Finally Finds Forever Home And Simultaneously Gains A New Best Friend

Potato had previously lost his ears due to a rare tumor in his ear canals and ear flaps.

Earless Cat In Recovery Finally Finds Forever Home And Simultaneously Gains A New Best Friend

Meet Potato—the handsome earless cat that would still manage to steal your girl. The cat was living on the streets of China before getting rescued by a local shelter.

Potato's rescuers found the poor kitty in a terrible condition, he was sick and abandoned for 2 years and was suffering from a rare tumor called ceruminous adenoma in his ear canals and ear flaps. After attempting to remove the adenoma, the vets advised removing the cat's canals and flaps entirely after the tumor returned in order to prevent it from coming back.

Thankfully, Potato is currently recovering quite well and managed to find a forever home and a new best friend, Horlick. The sweet cat's new owners confirmed on Instagram that despite not having ears, he can still hear.

"Potato was a stray cat, so no one knows when he was born or how old he is," 

However, they are guessing that the dapper boy is around 6 years old and since Potato was adopted on 25 April, his owners decided to start celebrating that day as the cat's birthday.

1. Potato's new best friend Horlick

1. Potato's new best friend Horlickno_ear_meow_potato

2. Such a cute kitty

2. Such a cute kittyno_ear_meow_potato

3. Potato is now living his best life with his forever family

3. Potato is now living his best life with his forever familyno_ear_meow_potato

4. Potato is now perfectly safe

4. Potato is now perfectly safeno_ear_meow_potato

5. He seems to be getting along perfectly well with his new best friend

5. He seems to be getting along perfectly well with his new best friendno_ear_meow_potato

6. They're constantly snuggling together

6. They're constantly snuggling togetherno_ear_meow_potato

7. Just a snugg Potato

7. Just a snugg Potatono_ear_meow_potato

8. Confused potato

8. Confused potato no_ear_meow_potato

9. Horlick's ears are enough for both of them

9. Horlick's ears are enough for both of themno_ear_meow_potato

10. Happy Birthday Potato!

10. Happy Birthday Potato!no_ear_meow_potato

11. Wating for treats

11. Wating for treatsno_ear_meow_potato

12. Potato always seems quite playful and full of energy

12. Potato always seems quite playful and full of energy no_ear_meow_potato

13. Kicking corona's butt

13. Kicking corona's buttno_ear_meow_potato

14. Attack position

14. Attack position no_ear_meow_potato

15. Ying and Yang

15. Ying and Yang no_ear_meow_potato

16. Such a gorgeous kitty

16. Such a gorgeous kitty no_ear_meow_potato

17. Potato is like any normal kitty

17. Potato is like any normal kitty no_ear_meow_potato