A Woman Was Dying In A Restaurant And Some Other Patrons Complained Because They Had To Wait
This will will get the blood boiling...
- Published in Interesting
Working in hospitality can be a challenging profession. Basically you have to deal with people when they are at their most rude and most inebriated.
If you think working in retail is hard, imagine if all those people were drunk. So this story comes from a restaurant that was hosting people for New Year's Eve. Horrifically, a woman had a heart attack and was basically dead at the scene. Luckily she lived, which was a miracle in itself. What came of this horrible event though is truly aggravating to say the least.
Another patron who was at the restaurant that night left a review on their Facebook to let them know that they weren't overly happy with the whole ordeal.
The restaurant in question.
FlickrHere is the review.
No, that is not a joke. This person really exists, and really left this review.
"But I guess letting a junkie in to overdose in your building is more important than paying customers".
Just let that soak in for a second.
The manager replied in truly spectacular fashion and told this person exactly what they thought.
The managers response.
Oh snap. Absolutely put them in their place. When this story went public many people chimed in with their thoughts about this awful woman. Here's a few of them.