15 Of The Most Ridiculous Ways People Have Accidentally Set The Most Outrageous Fires

Wildfires can be created from the smallest spark... and dumbest of ways

  • Published in Funny
15 Of The Most Ridiculous Ways People Have Accidentally Set The Most Outrageous Fires

Of course firefighters are the ones that come to save the day whenever there is a fire. But if you don't think they've tucked fire stories in their pockets to chat about on a rainy day, man, you are sorely mistaken.

Someone even created an entire subreddit thread to discuss them, so the next time you're playing with fire, cooking, or just plain acting out in ignorance with a flame close by, I hope all of these stories immediately come to mind and make you rethink the situation you're in the middle of.

So I'll leave you with some helpful tips, shut your doors when you fall asleep at night. For the love of all that's holy in this world, stomp out your cigarettes and dispose of them properly, and if you're a candle lover, be freaking careful!

Hopefully these stories will give you a whole new perspective. Let's light it up!

1. No joke folks, turkey fryers are dangerous. Always think flour btw.

“My husband and I went to his parents house for Christmas one year. When we came back home we had a WTF happened moment across the street. The house had all the windows busted, the brick on the entire house was charred, and all the cars in the driveway were melted to the cement. Turns out they had started a grease fire from frying a turkey, then tried to throw water on it to put it out.

Do not throw water on a grease fire! You need to smother the fire properly.” — mud73

2. Could you even imagine?! Oh my!

“In the city of Colorado Springs, the local news did a fluff piece about candle safety near Christmas. After they were done filming, the store owner that they were filming in took the crew out to breakfast. She didn’t put out the candles, and burned several shops to the ground. The film crew was there to film her breakdown when they realised what caused the fire.” — bananainmyminion

3. Why would you even attempt this?!

“I worked for a restoration company. A family cut a small tree down and tried to stuff it up their fireplace to burn. The flute was so crammed with leaves that smoke started to fill the living room. They tried to pull the tree out and that’s when it REALLY caught fire. They tried to pull it out of the house, they got as far as the front door. All of them had 2nd/3rd degree burns on their hands/arms and the fire destroyed the front room and entry way of their house. The insurance company asked us if we thought it was a case of fraud, and we told them, ‘No these people are just really stupid.'” — brianh71

4. What in the actual f...?

“A roomba knocked a scented candle over and set fire to the rest of the room. The guy said he knew the roomba did it because he watched the whole thing happen, but didn’t do anything because he thought it was funny.” — SeriousSam430

5. People seriously don't think, do they?

“Teenager was charcoal grilling in the attached garage during the winter. When done he decided the best place to dispose of the hot coals was into a cardboard box in front corner of the garage closest to the house. Yeah, it went about as well as you can imagine.” — remlik

6. Well, least that one had a happy ending.

“A fairly common one, but the response was interesting! Early February, Western PA. Guy’s pipes freeze on the coldest day of the year, -8F. He tries to thaw them with a propane torch. Sets the wall on fire. Tries to put the fire out. Fails. Finally calls 911. Fire Chief is 1/2 block away. Is on-scene in under a minute. Basement is fully involved, main floor catching. First engine arrives in under 5 minutes. Doors are blocked by fire, exterior attack only. I’m on an attack line, spraying water into the 2nd-floor window. After 40 minutes, another firefighter comes to relieve me, but since I’d been getting backspray, I’m frozen to the ground. He has to pull me loose. 2 hours later, we have it knocked down. The insurance adjuster shows up. Asst. Chief explains what started the fire. Adjuster replies, ‘Oh, yeah, we know. It’s OK, we insure for Stupid!’ (Nobody got hurt. Family gets a much nicer house out of the deal.)” — Jef_Wheaton

7. She did what?!

“My Dad was a firefighter, and he once went to a house fire that was started by the old lady who lived there. She liked to burn candles, but didn’t like the wax buildup that would form in the cavity, so she would soak up the liquid wax with a napkin. She was doing this when she accidentally brushed a wax soaked napkin up against the flame. She panicked and threw the napkin into the trash . . . where all the other wax napkins were. As the trashcan exploded into flames she fled the house, but not before she went to her oxygen tanks and FLOODED THE HOUSE WITH PURE OXYGEN, because she thought that it would smother the fire.” — corvettee01

8. I'm chuckling hard over here.

“When my father in law was a kid, he really wanted to have a camp fire. His parents told him no. He was determined to have a camp fire so he went up to his room and started one under his bed so they wouldn’t know. I keep that knowledge in my back pocket for whenever he wants to imply I’m an idiot.” — AlaWyrm

9. Oh sh!t!

“I am a firefighter but this wasn’t in my district. A guy was attempting to forge a sword in a burn barrel in an alley, based on something he watched on the History Channel. The embers from the “forge” lit up the building he lived in and destroyed 3 multi family residential buildings.” — snufalufalgus

10. I'm not even sure how I'd react to this scenario.

“Late 1980s. Guy was driving an old, beat-up Lincoln. He turned a corner to go up a steep hill, but the road dept. had recently ground the asphalt down in preparation to repave. A storm sewer manhole cover was sticking up about 4″. As he went over it and up the hill, the rear of his car dragged due to the pavement height difference, and the manhole ripped open his fuel tank and sparked off the gas. Guy described it- ‘I heard a scraping sound, looked in the mirror, and there was this trail of FIRE chasing me up the hill, like I was the Road Runner!’ He pulled into a gravel parking lot and tried to kick a break in the trail before the fire got there, but it jumped the gap and lit the car. By the time we got there, it was a total loss. He actually thought it was kind of funny. The only real loss was his wife’s purse, with her license and credit cards. The car was insured, and they got a pretty nice payout for it.” — Jef_Wheaton

11. I've heard this one so many times!

“Based on the stories from relatives, the answer is by allowing ten years worth of dryer lint to accumulate inside the machine until it just bursts into flames. It was not an isolated case.” — The_First_Viking

12. Why do people always run to the trashcan first?! Do not, I repeat do not do this!

“In college a girl in the dorms was making popcorn which (not sure how but somehow) caught fire in the microwave. She didn’t want to get into trouble for it so she grabbed the flaming bag of popcorn and threw it into the nearby trashcan. Then proceeded to cover the fire with paper towels to “smother” it. She actually thought it would work. It did not work. I came back exhausted after work to find the dorm building surrounded by firetrucks.” — HatchlingChibi

13. Wait a second here, WHAT?!

“My father was a Boston Firefighter for 30+ years. One of his more memorable stories was a foreign family who had ripped up their cast iron bathtub, and built an open flame underneath the tub. They used the tub as a giant oil fryer. Naturally this didn’t work out very well and the house caught fire. To add to the insanity even more, the family absolutely refused to let my dad and his coworkers in without taking their boots off. Which of course, they couldn’t agree too.” — two-stumps

14. Facepalm.

“Was in my local paper, turned out to be my friends older brother. He tried to smoke out bees in the loft and set fire to the insulation in the loft and burnt the whole house down.” — De_Rossi

15. The second?! Surely someone got fired.

“I was a chef before I was on a volunteer fire department for a bit and this was at a restaurant down the street from my old one. Cooks at this restaurant forgot to plug the drain in the deep fryer. So what happened was they put oil in a fryer, which drained immediately, right before lunch, turned on the empty fryer, and that’s when the coils caught fire. So not only did they spill 5 gallons of oil, burn a fryer, fill a restaurant with smoke and kill the service day, this was the second time it happened.” — stuckonpost
