20 Of The Dumbest Things People Stated - Ever

It makes you wonder how these people managed to survive life for this long.

  • Published in Funny
20 Of The Dumbest Things People Stated - Ever

Human inventiveness is truly without boundaries. Unfortunately, they mostly use that creativity to come up with the most amazing statements that make you wonder,” Did he/she actually said that?” Oh, yeah, they’ve said it, unbelievable as it may be.

Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest really comes to test here. How did these people get around in life? 

We have collected some of the funniest and scariest statements posted online, and they will make you laugh and cry at the same time. These people are among us….

We bet those doomsday preppers don’t look so funny now, do they?

Just take a look...

1. Ah, technicalities…

1. Ah, technicalities…Bloomjoy

2. Yeah, those British don’t squat about English…

2. Yeah, those British don’t squat about English…Bloomjoy

3. I couldn’t think of a better reason.

3. I couldn’t think of a better reason.Bloomjoy

4. Math just died….

4. Math just died….Bloomjoy

5. I don’t know. Why do you think you own your house, when it is in a city, state, and country?

5. I don’t know. Why do you think you own your house, when it is in a city, state, and country?Bloomjoy

6. She is joking… no other explanation.

6. She is joking… no other explanation.Bloomjoy

7. Its good to know that people that are supposed to protect us like to shoot dogs and are lousy shots.

7. Its good to know that people that are supposed to protect us like to shoot dogs and are lousy shots.Bloomjoy

8. Leonardo’s amazing… First Mona Lisa, now the Academy Award….

8. Leonardo’s amazing… First Mona Lisa, now the Academy Award….Bloomjoy

9. No comment.

9. No comment.Bloomjoy

10. Remove the shell, man

10. Remove the shell, manBloomjoy

11. Most famous country without an A.

11. Most famous country without an A.Bloomjoy

12. Ask your parents, man.

12. Ask your parents, man.Bloomjoy

13. Can we, please, reschedule?

13. Can we, please, reschedule?Bloomjoy

14. Did anyone call the police on this guy?

14. Did anyone call the police on this guy?Bloomjoy

15. Ok. The first scary thing is that he asked for help. The second scary thing is that 29 % who gave the wrong answer.

15. Ok. The first scary thing is that he asked for help. The second scary thing is that 29 % who gave the wrong answer.Bloomjoy

16. Yeah, the kids are crazy about them. I would watch out, if I were you.

16. Yeah, the kids are crazy about them. I would watch out, if I were you.Bloomjoy

17. Wrong number.

17. Wrong number.Bloomjoy

18. No more government.

18. No more government.Bloomjoy

19. Yes, I am an atheist. And yes, I believe in God and go to church. We exist.

19. Yes, I am an atheist. And yes, I believe in God and go to church. We exist.Bloomjoy

20. Fu.k nature, give me Starbucks and WiFi.

20. Fu.k nature, give me Starbucks and WiFi.Bloomjoy