14 Dumb Cat Moments That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Even cats can be stupid sometimes.

  • Published in Animals
14 Dumb Cat Moments That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

What’s not to love about cats? Is it their beautiful features? Their soft and cuddly nature? Or how intuitive they are? 

We could go on and on about cats, but it would all amount to one thing — the fact that we love everything feline!

There’s no denying the fact that these cute critters are intelligent. After all, studies have shown that they have complex brains and are very discerning of feelings. 

Even spending time with a cat will show you that these felines are smart. But occasionally, they make you want to rethink your stance on their intelligence — and we've met a few that make that cut.

Dumb or not, we still love them. These cats may have low intelligence, but we think their dumbness is another reason to love them — why? Well, their silly acts will undoubtedly add to the laughter in our homes. 

We can’t think of anything more interesting than reading a couple of stories of cats at their dumbest. That’s why we've put together a list of cats who momentarily lost the ability to showcase that feline intelligence. 

They may have carried out less than intelligent acts, but at least they looked adorable while at it. Want to read all the dumb atrocities these fluff balls have perpetuated? Then you're welcome to digest the posts below.

If anything, at least, you’ll have your daily dose of uncontrollable laughter. Our apologies to cat lovers in advance because you’ll be feeling a lot of secondhand embarrassment when you're through with this.

1. Losing sight of the prey

It’s right under your butt!

1. Losing sight of the preyChristine Weadick

2. A little bug-chasing fun

Don’t lie; you’ve done this before too.

2. A little bug-chasing funHelle Olesen

3. Escaping monsters

Oh wait, it’s only a bra.

3. Escaping monstersAmy Knox

4. One step forward, ten steps back

Let’s be grateful she figured one thing out.

4. One step forward, ten steps backBryan Ingle

5. 17 years of witnessing a freak show

Imagine walking into this.

5. 17 years of witnessing a freak showVanessa Henderson

6. A daily dose of head bangs

Thankfully she didn't develop any headaches.

6. A daily dose of head bangsAmber Bamber

7. Bubble bath adventure

What’s life without a wet cat to chase? No fun whatsoever.

7. Bubble bath adventureJennifer Single

8. This cat’s daily mantra - “You can do anything, as long as you try"

8. This cat’s daily mantra - “You can do anything, as long as you tryJanet Molnau

9. No-nonsense snake master

“Keep that mouth closed. You’re not hurting anyone today.”

9. No-nonsense snake masterMarcie Nye

10. He keeps falling all around just like his owner keeps falling in love with him

10. He keeps falling all around just like his owner keeps falling in love with himRebecca Greenwood

11. Searching for the imposter cat

Scooldeede may have been dumb, but he certainly was lovable.

11. Searching for the imposter catTiffany Ham

12. At least she compensates. That’s all that matters

12. At least she compensates. That’s all that mattersRobin Lynn Fite

13. Wall bumping

He never learns.

13. Wall bumpingAzure Clark

14. Claiming ownership

You may think it’s a mistake, but it’s certainly not. He’s marking his territory. Watch out!

14. Claiming ownershipChristine Gutierrez

Even dumb cats deserve love. While they may not be the smartest in the room, at least they are the cuddliest. 

We’re sure these cats will take what they can get, and so will their parents. After all, they adopted a cat, not Einstein!

Let’s keep the fun going! Do you have any silly cat moments? Don’t hold back. Please share it with us in the comment section. 
