Dream Birthday Adventure Turns Sour As Plans Exclude Disabled Sister

A dream birthday adventure that leaves loved ones behind. Will the celebrant compromise?

Dream Birthday Adventure Turns Sour As Plans Exclude Disabled Sister

/Birthdays are that special time of year when you get to be the center of attention and make all your wildest celebratory dreams come true—or at least, that's the idea. 

For one upcoming celebrant, a hike followed by a picturesque picnic was their dream plan. Simple, right? Not quite. Our narrator’s (Original Poster’s) chosen method of celebrating their special day landed them squarely in the center of a classic family dilemma.

They envisioned a scenic hike that led to the perfect picnic spot. Just one hitch: their younger sister, who had difficulty walking, couldn't join. Carrying her was out of the question, so OP was caught in a bit of a pickle.

When their dad got wind of the plan, he wasn’t thrilled. He gently suggested the hike might be better suited for an outing with friends. To him, it was much better to pick a family activity that left no one excluded.

"Ouch," thought OP, realizing their dad might be right. The problem was, they’d been looking forward to this forever—but they also didn’t want to be crowned the family jerk on their birthday.

OP mulled it over, weighing their desire for a special day (which they rarely had) against the fairness of the situation. After some serious contemplation – and a bit of guilt – they devised a plan to make everyone happy.

The family would all enjoy a picnic together first, ensuring everyone, including the sister, could join in on the fun. Then, for those who were up for it, the hike would follow. Crisis averted!

The story in detail

The story in detailReddit.com

Here's the background of the story

Here's the background of the storyReddit.com

OP's dad recommended a friends-only birthday celebration, since OP's sister, who has mobility issues, wasn’t going to participate

OP's dad recommended a friends-only birthday celebration, since OP's sister, who has mobility issues, wasn’t going to participateReddit.com

Update: After OP talked with their dad, they compromised on a picnic for everyone, followed by an optional hike for those who could join.

Update: After OP talked with their dad, they compromised on a picnic for everyone, followed by an optional hike for those who could join.Reddit.com

Check out some interesting comments we've gathered from the Reddit community;

Check out some interesting comments we've gathered from the Reddit community;Reddit.com

"Sounds like you are a glass child"


OP says they just want to do what they want on their birthday, without having to plan around someone else.

OP says they just want to do what they want on their birthday, without having to plan around someone else.Reddit.com

"Do you frequently have to plan around your sister's disabilities?


"I wonder how often you've been forced to 'compromise' for your sister."


"I get that you want a specific thing, but think about what you are asking."


“I think you could compromise and just do the hike with both your parents without anyone else.”

“I think you could compromise and just do the hike with both your parents without anyone else.”Reddit.com

"...'It's my birthday, and I should get what I want', is just immature."


“NTA. You dont need to deny yourself things just because your sister cant participate.”

“NTA. You dont need to deny yourself things just because your sister cant participate.”Reddit.com

"Birthdays tend to bring out the selfishness in many folks."


In the end, OP realized that birthdays are indeed special—but they’re even better when everyone feels included. 

Just like that, they transformed from a potential birthday brat to the family hero, proving that sometimes, the best celebrations come from a little bit of compromise and a whole lot of heart.

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