15 Very Relatable Reasons Why You Definitely Don't Miss High-School
Love it or hate it, if you went to high-school, you'll SERIOUSLY relate to these.
- Published in Funny
I didn't mind high-school, I met some of my very best friends there, but I'm almost 15 years clear of it. For many people (probably most) they're still trying to forget it.
High school is a difficult and formative period of our lives where we undergo a HUGE amount of change. Unfortunately, this change occurs during some of our most awkward years which can make for a pretty tumultuous few years.
Then there's there social pressure, the bullies, the d-bag teachers, the cliques... Oh, and that thing you're actually there for -school work.
Below are some SERIOUSLY funny posts from Humans of Tumblr detailing their high school experience. If you’re graduated, you're probably going to enjoy these, and if you're still in high school... yikes. All the best.