Twitter Account Wants To Convince You How Cute Ducks Are Through These 21 Posts So That You'll Domesticate One Right Away
Maybe it's time get a pet duck now.

If you think about it, ducks have an adorable side too. When you see one, you can't help but admire those fluffy feathers.
Sure, they might not be the smartest animals around, but there's no denying that they're one of the most lovable creatures on the planet.
And who can resist those adorable little quacks? It even makes your day to see them waddle around.
They always seem to be in a good mood, which is difficult not to find contagious. And when they paddle on water?
They look so cute. It's quite a sight!
It's no wonder that ducks have been popular animals since ancient times. In many cultures, they represent luck, fertility, abundance, prosperity, and new beginnings.
And let's not forget about cartoons. Among the classic cartoon characters include ducks!
No matter what you believe, there's no denying that ducks are pretty special creatures. So if you love them and you found this page, you're in luck!
We compiled duck pictures for your viewing pleasure. Luckily, we didn't have to go through random accounts to achieve this.
Because one Twitter account wants you to discover the charm of ducks. User @shouldhaveaduck tweets a variety of duck photos.
Some are cute, and others are funny. So scroll down, enjoy the pictures, and maybe get a pet duck too!
2. Empathic duck

1. "I'm completely fine! Don't mind the mess!"

4. Strong as its master.

3. Flowers are not just for girls' hair. Look it's making this duck cute!

5. Cool "dog." We hope he gets found!

6. What's down there?
Do ducks dive? It depends on the duck.
Some ducks are excellent swimmers and can dive very well, while other ducks are not as good at swimming and may not be able to dive as deeply. However, all ducks are capable of taking a quick dip under the water to grab a bite to eat or escape from predators.

7. Just getting ripped

8. Lovers

9. Duck wants a duck

10. Small but terrible
11. Giving each other some warmth
Want to take care of ducks? The ducklings should be placed in a well-insulated nest (using feathers, papers, and straw beddings), which is then placed in a shelter.
This creates an insulated coop for the ducklings. With the right environment, they'll huddle together to keep each other warm naturally.

12. "Gimme some of that too!"

13. "Fight me!"

14. Relaxed and satisfied

15. Instead of cussing, you should just say this.

16. Look at them chill!

17. Grandma duck

18. Basking under the sun so bright

19. "Don't worry, I'll watch your back!"

20. "This is my hammock, and I ain't sharin' it!"

21. How smooth is that?
There are many reasons to get a duck as a pet.
They are interesting and entertaining animals. They even make great companions as they show a lot of personality.
If you care for a duck well, it can live as long as 15 years! If you have a garden, ducks are ideal because they produce a lot of manure.
Not to worry if you have a landscaped garden. Unlike chickens, these feathered friends are not destructive.
Of course, ducks do have some specific needs that must be met in order to keep them healthy and happy. But if you're prepared to provide your duck with a good home, you'll be rewarded with a loyal friend for life.
