20 People Share Times Their Dogs Saved Them From Danger

What would we do without them?

20 People Share Times Their Dogs Saved Them From Danger

Humorist Josh Billings once said, "a dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself." Never is that sentiment more obvious than during a life or death emergency.

People who adore dogs frequently say that we "don't deserve" them. To be honest, even people who don't love dogs believe the same.

And this belief is based on the millenniums-long relationship between humans and dogs. They are our friends, confidants, goofy village gestures, and, most importantly - protectors.

It is a fact that dogs frequently risk their lives to defend or assist their owners, even when doing so puts their own safety in jeopardy. Dogs save people's lives daily.

Someone posted a question "Has anyone's dog saved them from a potentially dangerous situation?" This collection of answers that came in shows all the incredible ways dogs may save people, from canines who save women followed by dangerous men to animals that alert their parents to house fires.

When you take into account the numerous unbelievable tales of dogs saving people's lives, it is obvious that dogs are man's best friend. Take a look at the answers we've chosen, you are going to love them:

One Redditor asked:

One Redditor asked:Reddit

English Springer Spaniel named Ellie saved her family from a tornado

English Springer Spaniel named Ellie saved her family from a tornadoReddit

They were smart to listen to her

They were smart to listen to herReddit

Yes, this was a dangerous situation

Yes, this was a dangerous situationReddit

Great reaction from the dog owner

Great reaction from the dog ownerReddit

The woman was terrified. These two boys saved her.

The woman was terrified. These two boys saved her.Reddit

Goofy German Shepard is not goofy at all in times of emergency

Goofy German Shepard is not goofy at all in times of emergencyReddit

Dog stopped a fire

Dog stopped a fireReddit

He was a good boy

He was a good boyReddit

Dogs have frequently acted in a split second to save people—typically the same person who saved them—whether they were sick, aged, blind, afraid, or injured. Numerous people owe their survival to the courage and tenacity of their dogs, a neighbor's dog, or even a four-legged stranger.

These incidents vary from automobile crashes and house fires to close calls and overseas fighting. The fact is that you never know how will your dog react in a dangerous situation until it happens.

But one thing is for sure - the very fact that they are at our side gives us confidence.

Sometimes, our dogs save us in other, less obvious ways....

Sometimes, our dogs save us in other, less obvious ways....Reddit

And there are numerous accounts of dogs pulling people out of depression and suicidal thoughts

And there are numerous accounts of dogs pulling people out of depression and suicidal thoughtsReddit

Other Redditors shared their experiences:

Other Redditors shared their experiences:Reddit

Saved by a good girl

Saved by a good girlReddit

She really deserved that treat

She really deserved that treatReddit

And she has done it before

And she has done it beforeReddit

This could've been dangerous :

This could've been dangerous :Reddit

Farm dogs. No farm can be complete without one

Farm dogs. No farm can be complete without oneReddit

One good farm girl saved the day

One good farm girl saved the dayReddit

Do not mess with Central Asian Shepherd dogs...

Do not mess with Central Asian Shepherd dogs...Reddit

The little hero saved the family

The little hero saved the familyReddit

You never know until it happens...

You never know until it happens...Reddit

The history of dogs with people dates back thousands of years. They deserve an important place in human history, not as bystanders, but as active participants who helped shape our history.

And we are eternally grateful to them. Hollywood is rife with best buddy films; they appear in countless motion pictures and television programs... you name it.

But even the wildest fictional blockbuster can't come close to a real-life story.
