A Person Lets Their Dog Pee On A Lightpole In An Apartment Complex But Neighbor Is Upset And Stating That It's Her Lightpole

Should you allow your dogs to pee on light poles?

  • Published in Animals
A Person Lets Their Dog Pee On A Lightpole In An Apartment Complex But Neighbor Is Upset And Stating That It's Her Lightpole

We're back with another Reddit post from the AITA thread where people come to get an opinion on whether or not they're in the wrong for what they did or how they acted in a situation. We love covering these posts because they give us a little insight into their lives, plus we get perspectives from others in the comments.

We've all probably been in a situation where we don't have the best neighbors, or we are getting into small arguments with them. It's common knowledge that you're not always going to get along with your neighbors, and there might be some times when you're going to have problems with them.

Well, that's kind of what happened with this dog owner who let their dog pee on a light pole, and her neighbor had a huge problem with this. Now some people might think this is good or bad, but the neighbor insisted that the light pole was owned by her even though they are currently living in an apartment complex.

OP explains the situation pretty well and even gives an update at the end on how things escalated. The comments were pretty in unison with their decision on whether or not OP was TA in the situation.

Let's dive in and see what people had to say and what the full story behind this was.

OP starts by explaining where they live and what happened with the dog and their neighbor.

OP starts by explaining where they live and what happened with the dog and their neighbor.sweetsweeetthrowaway

OP says that the dog stopped to pee on a light pole but that her neighbor actually started yelling at her.

OP says that the dog stopped to pee on a light pole but that her neighbor actually started yelling at her.sweetsweeetthrowaway

Then OP goes on to explain how the layout of the road and sidewalk is to give a bit of context.

Then OP goes on to explain how the layout of the road and sidewalk is to give a bit of context.sweetsweeetthrowaway

She says that this ended up happening more and more every time she'd go by.

She says that this ended up happening more and more every time she'd go by.sweetsweeetthrowaway

She says that the neighbor claims she owns the light pole.

She says that the neighbor claims she owns the light pole.sweetsweeetthrowaway

The update states that she did call the police but they never came to her.

The update states that she did call the police but they never came to her.sweetsweeetthrowaway

Teh first comment is pretty simple but basically says it for us. The neighbor is definitely being ridiculous.

Teh first comment is pretty simple but basically says it for us. The neighbor is definitely being ridiculous.Dramatic-Act9285

I agree with this that no matter what it was still ridiculous and she handled it the wrong way.

I agree with this that no matter what it was still ridiculous and she handled it the wrong way.raindrop349

This comment says that the dog pee can ruin the grass, but that area isn't probably the neighbors, but that they wouldn't necessarily fight the neighbor on it.

This comment says that the dog pee can ruin the grass, but that area isn't probably the neighbors, but that they wouldn't necessarily fight the neighbor on it.AtTheFirePit

This person said that they are TA if the pole is in her yard, but it doesn't really sound like the light pole is actually in her yard.

This person said that they are TA if the pole is in her yard, but it doesn't really sound like the light pole is actually in her yard.skullman80

This is a good comment because it's true that the light pole isn't really hers but just to let her call the cops.

This is a good comment because it's true that the light pole isn't really hers but just to let her call the cops.KronkLaSworda

This commenter said basically that OP won't win this argument. it might not be worth it anyway.

This commenter said basically that OP won't win this argument. it might not be worth it anyway.IFeelLikeBlueSky

Essentially the light pole is on public property and she does not own it.

Essentially the light pole is on public property and she does not own it.AdOne8433

We understand OP's perspective, and we can tell that the neighbor is a little bit crazy. We're not sure why it's such a big deal, but some comments did say to have the dog pee elsewhere because it can ruin the grass in those areas.

Who do you think is really in the wrong in this situation?
