Redditor Wonders If He's In The Wrong For Continuing To Walk His Dogs On A Lawn Near His Building Despite Neighbor's Hostility
"If he had asked nicely I would have respected his wishes"
- Published in Interesting
Dog ownership comes with a set of responsibilities, and public behavior, such as pooping and peeing, are some of the most important ones. It's essential for pet owners to be considerate of their neighbors and surroundings when it comes to their pets' bathroom habits.
Not only is it the law in most areas to pick up after your dog, but it's also a common courtesy to keep public spaces clean and safe for everyone to use. In addition to cleaning up after their dogs, pet owners should also be mindful of where their dogs are doing their business.
It's important to avoid private property or areas where dogs are not allowed to be. OP and his partner own an elderly chihuahua and walk their neighbor's pittie puppy for exercise.
They take a longer route to walk the dogs, but it involves passing by the home of a neighbor they refer to as Bob, who has become increasingly hostile towards them. Bob has called OP names and stood in his driveway to intimidate him when he walks by with his dogs.
Despite being polite and accommodating, the situation has escalated to the point where the OP feels like he is being targeted. Although the obvious solution would be to take a different route, the protagonist enjoys the shade and the route's convenience for his older dog's exercise.
He wonders if he would be in the wrong for continuing to walk this path despite Bob's behavior. The OP acknowledges that he would have respected Bob's wishes if he had asked nicely, but he is now frustrated by his neighbor's behavior and wonders why he should continue to be respectful towards someone who has been rude to him.
Read the full story below:
OP asks:
RedditOP and his partner own an elderly chihuahua and walk their neighbor's pittie puppy for exercise.
RedditAnd they have a favorite route. However, one neighbor doesn't like it
RedditDespite being polite and accommodating, the situation has escalated to the point where the OP feels like he is being targeted.
RedditAlthough the obvious solution would be to take a different route, OP enjoys the shade and the route's convenience for his older dog's exercise.
RedditNow OP asks:
RedditOP posted an edit:
RedditOP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:
RedditThis is what Redditors had to say:
RedditThese are good questions:
RedditRedditors have been paying attention to what OP says:
RedditOP is changing his story
RedditWhy would he be polite?
RedditThe bottom line is:
RedditIn situations like these, it's important for pet owners to be responsible and respectful of their neighbors' property. However, it's also important for neighbors to communicate their concerns in a polite and respectful manner.
OP has tried to be accommodating, but Bob's behavior has made him feel uncomfortable and targeted. The best solution may be to try and have a calm and respectful conversation with Bob to resolve the issue.