14 Hysterically Adorable Pics Of Dogs After Sedation

Because I got high....

  • Published in Animals
14 Hysterically Adorable Pics Of Dogs After Sedation

Sometimes dogs need to be sedated at the vet's office, whether it's for serious surgery or just because they are anxious about the visit. (Nobody likes going to the doctor's office. And our pets are no different.)

Even though it's heartbreaking to see them all drugged up, you have to admit it's pretty adorable. We have collected some of the funniest pictures of dogs after sedation - take a look.

No matter if you find them heartbreaking or funny, one thing is certain - you will have an insatiable urge to hold them and tell them that everything is going to be okay.

1. Yeah, Druggo looks pretty happy...

1. Yeah, Druggo looks pretty happy...hot librarian

2. Why is this happening to me?

2. Why is this happening to me?sammyyyy1234

3. Stop staring at me. I am super high…. I mean fine…

3. Stop staring at me. I am super high…. I mean fine…Reddit / Samattack55

4. What do you have there? Sweets?

4. What do you have there? Sweets? 2husksandapap

A piece of advice: It is important not to show your dog that you are worried when you take it to the vet's office. They can pick up on our concerns and can get anxious.


5. Can anyone tell I am high?

5. Can anyone tell I am high?@nikki_isabel

6. Just want to rest a bit...

6. Just want to rest a bit...

7. Everything is so colorful...

7. Everything is so colorful...Reddit / wantagh

8. When and how does this stop?

8. When and how does this stop?Reddit / itsonlyliz

9. Am I real? Are u real?

9. Am I real? Are u real? sanitytoinsane

10. Just want to stare at one point until the colors melt...


11. This is what i think about your treatment..

11. This is what i think about your treatment..reflexmk6.5gli

12. Simply high


13. Just look at the colors!

13. Just look at the colors!Reddit /mhochman

14. Who are you?

14. Who are you?Reddit / WhateverGreg