Dog Owners Share Before & After Photos of Super Cute, Freshly Washed Puppers That Got Covered In Mud

Check out these good boys and girls

  • Published in Animals
Dog Owners Share Before & After Photos of Super Cute, Freshly Washed Puppers That Got Covered In Mud

Dogs and children have a lot in common. For example, there's an experience parents of dogs and kids can totally understand:

There's no worse feeling that cleaning your entire house, only to have someone mess it up within hours of the cleaning. If it's not clear... the 'someone' I am referring to in this instance is my 4-year-old daughter.

Her MO is to see a clean room, go into said room, empty between 250-1000 pieces of lego into said room and then move onto the next room. Yep, without playing with the lego.

I sort of feel like 'fur moms and dads' probably feel the same way when they go to the effort of washing their dog, only to find their dog would prefer to bathe in a massive puddle of mud. See, dogs aren't that easy to wash. It's a lot of work, and even more if you pay a groomer.

Below are 30 dog owner submitted pics of their freshly washed dogs who decided to go roll in some mud instead.

They're so cute, you'll squeal.

This cutie went on a playdate!

"Before And After Playdate"

This cutie went on a playdate! onnisamoyed

He had a great time!

"As Expected I Got Super Super Muddy And Had A Great Time, However I Partied A Bit Too Hard"

He had a great time! Laura Rennie

Ok, this dog is ready to take her ex-husband to court to double his child support payments and she makes no damn apologies for that. NOT. ONE!

"Dog Playing In River Evolves Into Supermodel"

Ok, this dog is ready to take her ex-husband to court to double his child support payments and she makes no damn apologies for that. NOT. ONE! netgeekAnimal

Caught yellow pawed.

"Dandelion Zoomies:

Caught yellow pawed. zuckerbot5356

But look how relaxed!

"Before And After Mud Bath"

But look how relaxed! Sandra Katiela

This is adorable!

"Jude And His Hound Dog Puppy "Chicky-Dog" After Playing In The Mud"

This is adorable! beanonme82


"Today I Discovered Mud Puddles. Best. Day. Ever"

BEST. DAY. EVER! harveythegoldenirish

Look at their sweet faces!

"Our Babies When They Play Too Much. Alice And Figo"

Look at their sweet faces! viennasamoyedspack

If you were wondering how.... now you know.

"So That’s How Chocolate Labs Are Made"

If you were wondering how.... now you know. At Work? We Walk!


"Wat, Mahm? Dirt? Where? I See Nuffin"


Is this not okay?

"Is This Not Good?"

Is this not okay? winniethepooch33

Oh dear...

"Ran Through The Tall Weeds With Her Velcro Fur. Took A Bath And Nearly 2 Hours Of Brushing To Get Them All Out"

Oh dear... Tacocat0927

I promise it's not for me, it's for someone else. I swear.

"Anyone Knows How To Clean A Bath? Asking For A Friend"

I promise it's not for me, it's for someone else. I swear. cooper_spoodle_doo

Sweet innocent face...

"Mud Dogger"

Sweet innocent face... Sushisando

Why so glum?

"Happy Hippo Ralph"

Why so glum?eleni_ralph_sylvie

You can tell he'd just had a bath, too...

"Very First Time I Stuck My Head In Thick Mud. Mum Was Absolutely Horrified But Then Start Laughing. No One Wanted To Pet Me On The Walk Home Tho"

You can tell he'd just had a bath, too... Laura Rennie

Lookin' so proud

"Someone Found The Only Mud Puddle In The Dog Park"

Lookin' so proud ponder233823

Straight up wearing the Stuart Weitzman over-the-knee boots i've been saving for!

"Oh You Dirty Dog"

Straight up wearing the Stuart Weitzman over-the-knee boots i've been saving for! koitheborzoi

Reminds me of those choc-dipped soft serves from the mall.

"I See Your Muddy Pupper, And I Raise You Mine"

Reminds me of those choc-dipped soft serves from the mall. RadioaktivJ


"She Found The Mud Puddle"


look at THAT FACE!

" Found Her Playing In The Mud In The Backyard"

look at THAT FACE! poorkidz

No... No I cannot.

"Can You Believe It’s The Same Dog In Both Pictures?"

No... No I cannot. Laura Rennie

At least she took her tutu off first.

"Gabby Found A Mud Hole To Cool Off In"

At least she took her tutu off first. rrkirl

Look at them together!!!

"The Little One Is Learning From His Big Brother"

Look at them together!!! taigauggo

Just a touch...

"Was Asked If Martha Ever Got Muddy. Well, Yes. A Little"

Just a touch... activ_dogs

... It's me. I do.

"hands Up If You Love Mud Puddles"

... It's me. I do. chroniclesofindiana

Is it me, or is this just kind of a handsome looking dog!?

"Doesn't He Look Fetching In His Mud Suit?"

Is it me, or is this just kind of a handsome looking dog!?Oiseauii

Women pay hundreds for this at day spas.

"Rare Pupper Having A Hecking Good Time In The Mud"

Women pay hundreds for this at day spas. Rockabillyjonny

10/10 had a great time.

"It’s Safe To Say Wrigley Had The Most Fun At The Park Yesterday"

10/10 had a great time. wrigleythewiggly

Sign me up for a puppacino date, ASAP!

"Sunday Funday! Dog Park + Mud Puddles + Puppacinos"

Sign me up for a puppacino date, ASAP! louie.and.elliot