Six Loyal Dogs Pursue An Ambulance And Then Patiently Wait Outside Hospital For A Full Day For Their Homeless Owner To Come Out

The dogs reportedly followed the ambulance that delivered Luiz and howled in front of the hospital for hours

Six Loyal Dogs Pursue An Ambulance And Then Patiently Wait Outside Hospital For A Full Day For Their Homeless Owner To Come Out

Dogs are famously known as 'man's best friend,' and they've earned this title for a very good reason. Their unyielding loyalty and unwavering faithfulness to their owners are remarkable traits that truly set them apart from many other pets.

In an act of unwavering loyalty, six devoted dogs traced the route of an ambulance that was ferrying their owner, a homeless man named Luiz, to the Santa Casa Hospital in Cianorte, southern Brazil. Luiz had suffered an unexpected stroke, necessitating immediate medical attention.

This extraordinary incident was caught on video, depicting the steadfast canines doggedly pursuing the ambulance over an extensive distance. Arriving exhausted at the hospital's emergency entrance, they seemed to mirror the urgency of their master's predicament.

Luiz's sudden illness didn't deter his faithful companions from standing guard at the hospital entrance. They remained resolute, unyielding in their wait for their beloved master's return.

As narrated by volunteer Simone Ziliane, the pack of dogs notably shadowed the ambulance carrying Luiz, their heartbreaking howls echoing for hours outside the hospital. In a testament to their loyalty, they remained stationed there for over a day, undeterred by Luiz's absence.

Much to their disappointment, when Luiz was discharged the following day, he exited through a different door, temporarily escaping their vigilant watch. However, this did nothing to diminish the profound demonstration of the dogs' unflinching loyalty and companionship toward Luiz.

A homeless man named Luiz, was taken to the Santa Casa Hospital in Cianorte, southern Brazil

A homeless man named Luiz, was taken to the Santa Casa Hospital in Cianorte, southern BrazilDaily Mail

Six devoted dogs traced the route of an ambulance that was ferrying their owner

Six devoted dogs traced the route of an ambulance that was ferrying their ownerDaily Mail

Watch the video here:

Luiz considered these loyal dogs as his family, and in his absence, they remained stationed outside the hospital, patiently waiting for him. They didn't budge until Luiz returned to reassure them.

Speaking to G1, Simone said:

"The dogs were desperate for their master. They bolted after the ambulance through the city streets and managed to arrive just as Luiz was being admitted into the hospital. Once they saw him being wheeled away, they became frantic, howling nonstop at the door."

Eventually, they settled down and just sat there waiting. When we learned that Luiz had been discharged and that his dogs were still waiting, oblivious to his release, one of our volunteers went to fetch him from his brother’s house.

The volunteer then escorted Luiz to the spot where the dogs had kept their faithful vigil. Even though Luiz was unaware that his dogs had been waiting outside the hospital all this time, he was not extremely surprised when he learned about it.

The reunion was heartwarming as the dogs burst into joyful yelps and jumped around Luiz, ecstatic at the sight of their returned owner.

Luiz and his dogs

Luiz and his dogsDaily Mail

From the smallest Chihuahua to the largest Great Dane, every dog is hardwired for unwavering fidelity towards its human family. This faithfulness isn't merely a display of attachment; it's a deep-seated devotion that's driven by their natural instinct to be part of a pack.

For dogs, their human families are their packs, and they consider their owners as their leaders. One might wonder why dogs are so faithful.

This loyalty can be traced back to their ancestral roots. Dogs were domesticated from wolves thousands of years ago. Wolves live in tightly-knit social groups where loyalty to the pack ensures survival, and this trait has been passed down to modern dogs.

This deep-rooted loyalty in dogs is manifested in various ways, like protecting their owners, waiting patiently for their return, or even chasing an ambulance for miles, as in the case of Luiz's dogs.
