Pregnant Woman Wants Dogs To Sleep In The Living Room To Prepare For Baby's Arrival, But Husband Strongly Disagrees

Would her newborn be at risk if she allows her dogs to sleep in the room?

Pregnant Woman Wants Dogs To Sleep In The Living Room To Prepare For Baby's Arrival, But Husband Strongly Disagrees

There are many theories on the internet when it comes to dogs and newborns, but in the end, if you have a strong feeling, you should consider it. LittleWitchyMama, a Reddit user who is pregnant and due soon, recently shared a post on the "AITA" subreddit expressing her worries about having her two dogs in the same room as her newborn baby.

In the post, she explains that although the dogs are not aggressive, one of them, an American Bulldog, gets excited easily, which makes her concerned about any potential dangers that could arise if the dogs are not supervised when the baby arrives.

LittleWitchyMama wants to keep the dogs in the living room while they sleep, but her husband wants to keep them in the same room and see how it goes. This has led to arguments between them, but LittleWitchyMama is adamant about ensuring the safety of their baby and doesn't want to risk it.

The fact that she has woken up twice to find her other dog lying in the bassinet where the baby will be sleeping raises her concerns further. LittleWitchyMama is seeking advice on what to do in this situation, as she wants to make sure her baby is safe.

Here's how the AITA community responded to her post.

Here's OP's post

Here's OP's postu/LittleWitchyMama

1. Getting ahead of the situation is a good idea.

1. Getting ahead of the situation is a good idea.u/LittleWitchyMama

2. There is a possibility that dogs can suffocate babies.

2. There is a possibility that dogs can suffocate babies.u/LittleWitchyMama

3. It's best to be cautious.

3. It's best to be cautious.u/LittleWitchyMama

4. Dogs can be unpredictable.

4. Dogs can be unpredictable.u/LittleWitchyMama

5. Her husband's decision could lead to a tragic outcome.

5. Her husband's decision could lead to a tragic outcome.u/LittleWitchyMama

6. It's best to move the dog before the baby arrives.

6. It's best to move the dog before the baby arrives.u/LittleWitchyMama

7. Her husband can sleep outside with the dogs if he does not want them to feel lonely.

7. Her husband can sleep outside with the dogs if he does not want them to feel lonely.u/LittleWitchyMama

8. Her husband needs to read about the potential dangers.

8. Her husband needs to read about the potential dangers.u/LittleWitchyMama

9. The dogs can stay in the living room until the baby is older.

9. The dogs can stay in the living room until the baby is older.u/LittleWitchyMama

10. Her husband may change his mind when he bonds with the baby.

10. Her husband may change his mind when he bonds with the baby.u/LittleWitchyMama

11. The dogs should already be sleeping in the living room.

11. The dogs should already be sleeping in the living room.u/LittleWitchyMama

12. They may go to jail if the dogs harm the baby.

12. They may go to jail if the dogs harm the baby.u/LittleWitchyMama

13. Her husband's attitude is cause for concern.

13. Her husband's attitude is cause for concern.u/LittleWitchyMama

14. If they don't start now the dogs will associate the change to the baby's arrival.

14. If they don't start now the dogs will associate the change to the baby's arrival.u/LittleWitchyMama

15. Nothing is stopping the dogs from accidentally hurting the baby.

15. Nothing is stopping the dogs from accidentally hurting the baby.u/LittleWitchyMama

16. She should start training the dogs not to get excited when she is carrying something.

16. She should start training the dogs not to get excited when she is carrying something.u/LittleWitchyMama

17. It seems like she has not properly prepared her home to welcome a baby.

17. It seems like she has not properly prepared her home to welcome a baby.u/LittleWitchyMama

18. Pets can develop bad behaviors around new babies.

18. Pets can develop bad behaviors around new babies.u/LittleWitchyMama

19. Different things could go wrong with the dogs in the room.

19. Different things could go wrong with the dogs in the room.u/LittleWitchyMama

20. Her hormones may be causing her irrational worries.

20. Her hormones may be causing her irrational worries.u/LittleWitchyMama

What do you think?

Having dogs in the same room as a newborn baby can be potentially dangerous, as dogs can be unpredictable and may accidentally harm the baby. Dogs are often curious and may be excited by the new addition to the family, causing them to jump or paw at the baby.

Dogs may also mistake a baby’s movements as play and can potentially bite or scratch the baby. Even if a dog has been well-trained and obedient in the past, their behavior may change around a new baby.

It is best to err on the side of caution by taking precautions to keep the dog away from the baby’s crib or bassinet. What do you think?
