Is It Considered Neglect To Leave A Dog Alone In The Yard - Reddit Discussion Goes Viral
"I'm worried that the dog is not okay"

Having a dog means you have committed to making that creature happy and providing it with a high quality of life. If it includes going to the end of the world, the dog owner will undoubtedly go.
Driven by the desire to make their dogs the happiest ones in the world, dog owners will do anything for their beloved pets. Just think of the fact that many people come home tired from an exhausting work day, but they just take a breath and are ready to go for a walk with their furry friends.
And the most important thing is that they gladly indulge their pets. Spoiling them is our human right, and we are happy to succeed in that noble intention.
Many people even decide to change their lifestyle for their dogs. For example, changing their current homes for new, bigger ones or ones with a yard so their dogs can be outside as long as they want.
But does anyone know how much time a dog should spend outside in the yard alone? Recently, a Reddit user was wondering, "Is it neglect to leave a dog in the yard all day?".
This thread opened quite a discussion and quickly became viral. A number of people have shared their beliefs and experiences, and you can see them below.
The original question:

Redditor also stated that he is not a dog owner, so he can't be objective.

A "quality life" for most dogs means more activities than just running around the yard on their own

"A dog barking all day is generally a dog without it's needs being addressed."

If dogs are well cared for, it's generally fine

There are also dogs that don't enjoy being inside

It depends on the size of the yard, too:

Maybe walking the dog could reduce its constant barking because it can be irritating, but it doesn't necessarily mean neglect

"People wrongly believe a dog will entertain itself and wear out its energy just by being outside."

Some dogs manage to find a way to get outside, so no... It's not considered neglect

One Redditor was concerned about how the OP had noticed that the owners pay attention no to their dog:

And the OP explained:

Another Redditor confirmed that his dogs love spending time in the yard

That's acceptable, but it's still a bit cruel. A dog needs the company of its owner.

"Some dogs thrive inside, some outside."

Leaving a dog in the yard is not a crime. But the fact is that they need their owners to spend time with them.
Walking a dog, playing with it, and exercising can help it with mental stimulation and social interaction. But most of all, those activities will make it feel loved as it should be.
Many people leave their dogs alone at home while they are at work, but that doesn't mean neglecting them. Spending enough time with their furry friends and doing various activities together is essential for both the dogs and the owners.
