Most Of Us Have Problems With Our Cowlicks, But This Dog Pulls It Off Perfectly
Punk Rock Rules!

We've all had our share of difficulties when trying to make your cowlicks less visible. The fact is that all people have them, and some of us have several and that creates many problems when trying to make ourselves presentable for some business meeting or a special occasion.
Animals have them too. But, unlike us, they don't try to mask them but wear them with pride.
Alfaalfa is one of those animals. This golden retriever was born with the cutest cowlick that gave him a punk rock look.
"Alfalfa has always had a cowlick," Kate Merrick, Alfie's mom, says. "It's visible in his tiny newborn picture and very prominent in his 6-week pictures. We were worried it would go away as he grew ... but he's grown now, and it's still there."

The 3-year-old dog gets a lot of attention from passersby due to his haircut. “He’s always getting comments about his hair,” Merrick said. “He gets questions about his hair on his social media nearly every post.”
Another thing that makes Alfie adorable is his love for tennis balls. “Alfie is an absolute ball fanatic,” Merrick said. “When he’s tired, he takes the balls and runs so no one can throw them again.”

Alfie adores kids and is friends with the entire neighborhood. He plays with the neighbors whenever he sees them.
“He has a 12-year-old boy who he jumps on the trampoline with and neighbor friends who will throw the ball over the fence for him,” Merrick said. “We had to cut a few holes in the fence so he could bring the balls back.”
Alfie is such a great pet that his parents recently decided to get another puppy, and they are inseparable now.
“Alfalfa is a wonderful family dog that brings us so much extra love,” Merrick says. “He keeps us laughing and entertained.”
