Overly Attached Dog Owner Doesn't Think There's Anything Wrong With Bringing His Pet Everywhere - Even To Job Interviews

Somebody call animal control or the police because this is weird!

Overly Attached Dog Owner Doesn't Think There's Anything Wrong With Bringing His Pet Everywhere - Even To Job Interviews

Some dog owners take pet ownership to the extreme. They spoil their dogs until it is no longer healthy for them or the dogs.

A soon-to-be-mom was at her wit's end when she posted on Reddit. She's having difficulty dealing with her husband, who has become increasingly attached to his dog.

OP has been tolerating her husband's unhealthy attachment, but recent events ate away what's left of her patience. He refuses to leave the dog alone and insists on taking her everywhere.

The dog goes with him during job interviews, laundry, and grocery runs, and to bars during their date nights. Even on rare occasions that OP convinces him to leave the dog at home, his thoughts are still about her.

He would ask, "I wonder if she's thinking about me," while on a date with OP. Their whole relationship is on the back burner because of her husband's choice to prioritize his dog.

OP's husband and his dog have developed anxiety because of their unhealthy bond. The dog doesn't calm down unless she's sitting on his lap.

She whines when OP is sitting in the car's front seat instead of her. She cries at night and stares at the bed when she's supposed to be sleeping in her unlocked kennel.

When she sees OP's husband preparing to leave the house, the dog jumps on him as a reminder to take her with him

When she sees OP's husband preparing to leave the house, the dog jumps on him as a reminder to take her with himu/BigNope7193

The last straw was when OP woke up one morning in a terrible mood because she didn't sleep enough

The last straw was when OP woke up one morning in a terrible mood because she didn't sleep enoughu/BigNope7193

She prepared their kid for school and was looking forward to going back to bed when she saw her husband and his dog already laying on it

She prepared their kid for school and was looking forward to going back to bed when she saw her husband and his dog already laying on itu/BigNope7193

OP was pissed but she needed sleep, so she stalked towards the couch when her husband stood up while carrying the dog

He was talking in a baby voice to his dog and asked OP to run errands with him. She was planning to go but changed her mind when she saw her husband preparing the dog as well.

He said he needed OP's help, but he isn't willing to leave the dog at home. He accused OP of hating his dog, but she said he could have the dog help him since he needed it so badly.

OP was pissed but she needed sleep, so she stalked towards the couch when her husband stood up while carrying the dogu/BigNope7193

Her husband got the dog just two years ago and broke their agreement that they will only adopt when they have their own home

Her husband got the dog just two years ago and broke their agreement that they will only adopt when they have their own homeu/BigNope7193

Treating your dog better than your own wife and children is definitely a sign that you have issues

Treating your dog better than your own wife and children is definitely a sign that you have issuescbm984

In order to have a productive conversation with her husband, OP has to avoid calling back to incidents that could make him defensive

In order to have a productive conversation with her husband, OP has to avoid calling back to incidents that could make him defensivecbm984

OP tried to approach her husband about going to therapy but he unfortunately thinks it's a waste

OP tried to approach her husband about going to therapy but he unfortunately thinks it's a wasteBigNope7193

How would they handle the dog once the baby arrives given that it has a history of aggression?

How would they handle the dog once the baby arrives given that it has a history of aggression?cbm984

OP already gave her husband an ultimatum — their family or his dog and he apparently chose OP. However, OP doesn't believe he will follow through.

OP already gave her husband an ultimatum — their family or his dog and he apparently chose OP. However, OP doesn't believe he will follow through.BigNope7193

If two people share a home, the choice of whether they can have a pet is a joint decision

If two people share a home, the choice of whether they can have a pet is a joint decisionzuiiev

I'm sure he makes a great impression when he takes her to job interviews

I'm sure he makes a great impression when he takes her to job interviewsMischievousShallot

He is making very selfish decisions for a person who is about to have a second child

He is making very selfish decisions for a person who is about to have a second childBigNope7193

Surely he knows on some level that his relationship with his dog is not healthy for either of them, right?

Surely he knows on some level that his relationship with his dog is not healthy for either of them, right?completedett

What he thinks is loving attitude is just messing his dog up. Dogs are incredible animals if trained right and there is nothing right about his treatment of his pet.

What he thinks is loving attitude is just messing his dog up. Dogs are incredible animals if trained right and there is nothing right about his treatment of his pet.crystallz2000, Ok_Stable7501

OP, her children, and her husband's dog all deserve better

OP, her children, and her husband's dog all deserve betterWorried_Growth_4176

I say this as a loving pet owner myself, but this husband's relationship with his dog is creepy and bothersome. He has to listen to OP and go to therapy if he wants to keep his family.

His unhealthy attachment to his dog is ruining every other relationship he has. We wish OP luck because she definitely needs it.
