Suffering Dog With Severely Swollen Face Roamed Streets Aimlessly Until Good Samaritan Saves Her Life

Her days were numbered if not for the good Samaritan.

Suffering Dog With Severely Swollen Face Roamed Streets Aimlessly Until Good Samaritan Saves Her Life

Many developing countries have huge stray dog populations, which means that these dogs are left to deal with the chaotic and fast-paced environment they found themselves in without any kind of support system to protect them. In most economically developing countries, only 5% of dogs have owners, in the United States, for example, about 95% of dogs have owners.


Animal shelters around the world work day and night to make sure that these stray dog populations are reduced, which benefits dogs as well as humans. But still, there's still much work to do, and that means that some dogs will be left exposed to many dangers for quite some time.

Jade is one of those dogs, she spent days roaming the streets of Santíssimo, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil with a severely swollen face. A good Samaritan discovered her lying on the ground and desperately in need of help.

In order to feed her, the good Samaritan initially attempted to tie her to a fence so she wouldn't escape, but his efforts were in vain because she was way too weak and sick to eat. A man by the name of Randel Silva heard about the dog's condition and rushed her to the vet.

“His condition is sad. His face was bathed in blood and some bruises, ”said Silva.

After making it to the vet, they decided to name the sweet pup Jade. Her face was extremely swollen and she was so weak that she couldn't gather enough strength to eat.

“His condition is sad. His face was bathed in blood and some bruises, ”said Silva.

Jade's wounds appeared to come from a brutal beating.

She was all bloody, swollen, and sore. Her body was also extremely dehydrated and suffered from anemia.

Jade's wounds appeared to come from a brutal beating.

Jade was given antibiotics and is now getting round-the-clock care.

Her condition has gotten much better, the swelling has gone down and she is now capable of eating all by herself.

“Now the dog is feeding on its own and its swollen face has started to shrink, but it has not fully recovered,” said her rescuer.

Jade was given antibiotics and is now getting round-the-clock care.

She is now as active as ever and feels like a brand new dog!

The vets are waiting for Jade to fully recover so she will remain under their care until they can find her a forever home.

She is now as active as ever and feels like a brand new dog!

Jade finally got the help she needed and is now living a brand new life after almost losing hope and giving up. All of that is thanks to the good Samaritan who stopped to help the poor dog and made a huge difference in her life. Thanks to him, she now has a future to look forward to.

As for the person or people who inflicted the pain on Jade, karma will get them and they will pay for the suffering they caused. It's just a matter of time, no crime goes unpunished.
