Adorable Sausage Dog Sprains His Tail From Wagging It So Much Because, "Yay, Everyone Is Home!"

Amid all the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, are some extremely happy pups who are just wondering why the heck their humans are spending so much time at home all of a sudden.

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Adorable Sausage Dog Sprains His Tail From Wagging It So Much Because, "Yay, Everyone Is Home!"

There isn't a whole lot of joy going on in the world right now. That is unless you're a dog whose family has just isolated themselves with you at home. Yay!

Yep. Amid all the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, are some extremely happy pups who are just wondering why the heck their humans are spending so much time at home all of a sudden. But they're not complaining!

In fact, one adorable pooch has been SO happy to have his family at home with him, he even managed to do himself an injury.

Emma Smith, from Essex, England recently Tweeted about Rolo, her adorable sausage dog, who was so excited and happy about being surrounded by his family all the time, he sprained his tail from wagging it too much!

"So my dog has been so happy that everyone is home for quarantine, that his tail has stopped working, so we went to the vet and the vet said he had sprained his tail from excessively wagging it," Emma wrote.

Poor Rolo received an infinite amount of love and sympathy from Emma's followers, with over 150,000 likes and almost 16,000 retweets. People had fallen in love with him!

Emma added a video with an update, "He is super happy and there is now movement from side to side but he is struggling to lift it up in the air," she said.

Rolo received many replies filled with good wishes and even photos of other pooches with similar injuries.

If the world can take just one good thing out of coronavirus, it has to be the extreme level of happiness of doggos!
