Check Out This Outrageous Job Listing That Boldly Offers $300 Monthly To Dog Sit For 50 Hours Every Single Week
“Who in their right mind makes such an offer?!”

In the wild and wacky world of job listings, an employer has once again taken audacity to new heights by demanding the unthinkable with a straight face.
Our Reddit adventure takes us into a wild jungle of employment absurdity. One particularly insane job listing has set the stage for an electrifying discussion on the value of time and fair compensation.
The spotlight in this job-seeking circus was snatched by a post featuring an utterly preposterous dog-sitting offer. It stated that the employer needed a dog sitter for immediate employment, one who was willing to work 50 hours a week.
The poster further elaborated that they worked from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily and didn’t have time to care for their dog. Their previous sitter was moving, so they needed a new one as soon as possible. The pay? A meager $300/month.
Now, before you say, "What in the canine-loving world is this?" – this audacious job listing has not only raised eyebrows but ignited a serious debate on what's reasonable and fair when it comes to employment.
Some, with their detective hats on, tried to unearth possible justifications for these crazy demands. Could the dog have separation anxiety and require 24/7 supervision? Perhaps not.
Others were simply flabbergasted and refused to let this spectacle pass without a word. The discussion transformed into a fiery debate on the worth of one's time and skills.
Redditors passionately defended the principle that employers who were not prepared to compensate fairly for services rendered had no right to list jobs in the first place.
Check out the full details below.
Let’s dig into the details

300/month, 50 hours a week….Can you do that?

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:
“I’m wondering if she really wants the sitter there for all of those hours.”

“I’d do this job, if I could have the dog at mine. Got a large garden and some nice walking areas.”

“I used to do Rover and charged like $30/day.”

“I guess it depends if they expect you to stay at their place or they drop the dog off.”

“Lol, my wife is a dog sitter, she charges between $50-$75 a day depending on if travel is involved.”

“Yeah that is not enough money.. but you also realize dog sitting doesn’t involve you literally hanging out with the dog the entire time?”

“My girlfriend dogsits for about $40 a day.”

“If they're asking for someone who's gonna stop by to walk/feed once during that period it doesn't seem horribly unreasonable.“

“If this person were going to drop their dog off and pick it up from my house, this would be a sweeeet deal to me.”

This discussion sent a resounding message about respecting individual worth and the value of time.
Redditors stood together like a spirited mob of online activists, reminding employers worldwide that fairness and respect should be at the forefront of every job listing.
This is a call for employers everywhere to reevaluate their listings. And to prospective employees, never forget that your time is worth more than mere pennies.
What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments.
