Dog Destroys His Mom's $11K Designer Shoe Collection, Parents Make Casket And Hold Drunk "Shoeneral" In Their Backyard
"All I gotta say is when you pop the question, put the ring in a shoebox."

A dog owner faced a far more difficult problem than torn homework when his 1-year-old puppy ruined his girlfriend's designer shoes. OP's girlfriend was away on vacation with her friends when he decided to surprise her with a makeshift walk-in closet.
Little did OP know, his surprise would bring joy to more than just his girlfriend. OP trained his dog but couldn't diminish his vendetta against all footwear.
OP resigned to storing all of his shoes from his dog when he couldn't train him out of attacking them. He, unfortunately, forgot about his dog's strong feelings against shoes when he finished the walk-in closet/ shoe storage for his girlfriend.
OP left his girlfriend's designer shoes in an uncovered bin when he left for work. When OP got home, he found his dog's greatest accomplishment.
His girlfriend's carefully curated and expensive shoe collection was destroyed. His girlfriend's shoes were in pristine condition.
She typically spent days researching brands and designs before she bought them. OP's dog dedicated 12 hours to undo all that effort.
OP estimated the damage and guessed he needed to spend $6k to replace some of his girlfriend's shoes. He had no idea how he could replace the shoes that were unavailable for retail.
OP didn't know what to do. He asked Redditors if he should get in touch with his girlfriend to deliver the bad news.

His other option was to replace the shoes he could before his girlfriend got home from her trip.

OP wondered if there was a way to soften the blow, but he was prepared to deal with his girlfriend's reaction.

He also felt that his girlfriend wouldn't want them to spend that much on shoes when they were saving for a house.

A commenter suggested extreme measures. They said OP should be prepared to rehome his dog after what happened to his girlfriend's expensive shoe collection.

OP ignored the suggestion. He didn't think his dog should be punished for something that was not his fault. Neither he nor his girlfriend would want their dog to be rehomed over this accident.

OP did plan to look for professional trainers to help his dog correct his shoe vendetta.

OP replied to a now-deleted comment and said that his dog was not underexercised.

OP was optimistic about his girlfriend's reaction. He anticipated that she would be most upset about her Birkenstocks, but she would take the news in a stride.

OP posted an update after he received several messages from Redditors who were curious about his girlfriend's reaction.

His girlfriend was initially upset, but her friends' helped lighten her mood. OP predicted correctly that she would be most upset about the Birkenstocks that took two years to break in.

His girlfriend asked OP to make a small pine casket to bury her shoes in. OP, his girlfriend, and her friends got drunk as they buried the shoes in their backyard.

OP also vowed to buy all the shoes his girlfriend wished for their entire life. She also took him up on his offer to replace all of the ruined shoes. They spent more than $11k to repurchase her shoes.

Their dog was okay and OP's girlfriend didn't blame the pup for the incident. She held OP accountable and joked that he must be trained out of being a careless idiot. OP will delay his proposal after he spent some of what he saved for an engagement ring to replace his girlfriend's shoes.

OP replied to a concerned commenter that he was not worried about his girlfriend's shoe "obsession." He said she worked in the fashion industry and as long as she could afford to buy her shoes, he didn't see any problems with it.

The way they handled this problem bodes well for their marriage.

OP read a theory about why dogs ruin shoes, and he chose to believe it if only to make himself feel better about his dog's expensive hobby.

OP also looked into getting his girlfriend's wardrobe insured in case his dog gets a taste for other designer apparel.

It's great that OP and his girlfriend didn't allow the incident to drive a wedge between them.

We will wait for the documentary.

OP, his girlfriend, and their shoe-obsessed dog make a great family. It was adorable how OP's girlfriend handled losing her entire shoe collection in one fell swoop.
They have to invest in a sturdy closet door for their next house to protect the new shoes and their dog from repeat accidents. Would OP's dog be as destructive if the shoes were his?
