Dog Owners On Twitter Are Astounded By This Brilliant Doggo Who Trashed Her Own Poop Bag (Video)

Luna is a great example as she has set the bar high for other doggos.

  • Published in Animals
Dog Owners On Twitter Are Astounded By This Brilliant Doggo Who Trashed Her Own Poop Bag (Video)

It's a well-known fact that dogs are an awesome and brilliant species! However, there are some who are more brilliant than others.

Some doggos are huge fans of relaxation and they love a good seat so they can thud down on it, and they don't require substantially more than that to be content. Of course, we love these furry buddies of ours!

But nonetheless, we sure wouldn't mind if these lazy bums of the dog species would learn some things from the dog being talked about in today’s post. Yes, and we will delve into it right away so you know what we’re talking about.

The dog in question is a Belgian Malinois and she’s named Luna. Now it happened that Luna went for a poop session and after she was done, her owner went ahead and wrapped it all up in a plastic bag.

Wait for it, for the magic is about to happen. Luna’s owner handed the baggy to the cute dog, and off the doggo goes to find the closest garbage bin.

Onlookers were shocked by this action, and they watched in total amazement. Who knew dogs could do such amazing things?

But then, don’t they always give us reasons to adore them more and more with each passing day?

The dog picked it up and put it in the can

The dog picked it up and put it in the can@_kathytu

At all...

At all...@_kathytu

Okay, so this dog spots the nearest bin and throws in her bag of poop. What’s more, she came running back to her owner all smiles, and she received a treat for her good conduct.

This move made by Luna has clearly changed the game, even though most of us already have the feeling that our own doggos will not be too inspired to take lessons from this dog champion.


Sending this tweet

Sending this tweet@_kathytu

Watch the awesome moment in the video below


This is just so astonishing, and splendid, and dynamite, and all the mind-blowing words you can think of. We are certainly in awe of what we just saw, and we know that you are just as amazed as we are.

Our only regret is that we were not sufficiently fortunate to see such a grand occasion with our very own eyes, but then we’re glad we got to see a clip. You bet people who viewed the video had a lot to say, so we gathered some of their comments for you to read through.


One toy for one piece of kibble

One toy for one piece of kibble@brianasbush

Teach me...

Teach me...@MelissaJPeltier

I'm puppy not puppy trained

I'm puppy not puppy trained@CameoGonzales

That's what I have for you

That's what I have for you@RogovtTed

Pretending not to hear me

Pretending not to hear me@khaleesi_atreyu

Margaret gave me the side eye

Margaret gave me the side eye@KiraMetcalf

My dogs mirror each other

My dogs mirror each other@khaleesi_atreyu

That's your job not mine

That's your job not mine@msleond

Just as the original poster said, we really do not deserve dogs. The amount of love and care they show us is second to none.

Not just that, they are even ready to clean up after themselves just to make us happy, and Luna is a great example as she has set the bar high. If Luna left a lasting impression on you, then make sure to share this post with your loved ones.
