Artist Creates Comics About His Daily Life With His Dog That Pooch Parents Can Surely Relate To
If you own a dog or have owned a dog, you'll surely love these comics.

When dog owners usually tell stories about their life with their dogs, they often say how much their dog has changed their lives, how their dog is so well-behaved, how their dogs just make life better, and other stuff like that. More often than not, though, they fail to mention all the other little things that go on in their daily lives with their pets that actually back up their claims.
We can't blame them for it, though. If you have a dog, you'll surely have plenty of things to do on hand, so it can be easy to forget.
Still, these little moments that we often just take for granted are actually some of the best moments we'll have with our pets. It might not seem like it at the moment, but when you look back on them in the near future, when your pet is a little older, you might just get a little teary-eyed.
Comic artist Bunchee immortalizes his everyday moments with this dog through comics. And people absolutely love it!
A lot of dog parents often relate to his comments. And even people who don't own dogs find his comics fun and amusing.
Check out some of his best works below.
1. The love for dog trumps all
This is the perfect illustration showing just how much a lot of dog owners love their pets. And sorry not sorry but sometimes, the love for dogs trumps love for humans for good reason.
Dogs simply deserve everything good in this world just for existing.

2. Dogs are cute but definitely disgusting
A lot of people can't even go near their own barf without feeling like throwing up all over again but dogs are a different species altogether. No matter if it's their barf or the barf of other dogs, they'd gobble it up with no care in the world.

3. Dogs love the dirt as much as we hate it
It just takes one second for you to turn your attention away from your dog after a bath for them to find some way to get dirty all over again. It's like they don't appreciate our efforts to keep them clean and they'd rather stay in their natural state if they were left in the wild.

4. They're both some of the smartest and dumbest creatures at the same time
Dogs may be one of the smartest creatures on Earth, but dog owners would know that they can also be one of the dumbest creatures alive. And it's not just because sometimes they eat their own poop.
Oh, there are so many reasons that make us question if dogs aren't really just an embodiment of the last two brain cells meme.

5. Floor shiners
You might not have noticed it, but your pup might have actually been helping you clean the house every now and then. Remember those times they licked the floor clean of food spills or dragged their furry butts down the floor?
Maybe those were the ways they thought they could help out, and well, they're not wrong. What they do does leave sparkling floors sometimes.

6. Endless food train
It's hilarious how spot-on this comparison is. Dogs are indeed like trains without breaks!
They just chug and chew through everything they could without pause and nothing can stop them.

7. Wrong audience
Dogs see the world a whole different way than us. And while researchers have proven that dogs do see a certain degree of color, they don't see it the same way we do.
That's why maybe entertaining them with a TV isn't the best idea.

8. Bling bling!
Just because dogs don't seem to need them doesn't mean that they shouldn't get their very own doggo sunnies. They deserve a little style now and then too!
They're cute and all that but a little accessory pizzaz won't hurt their image.

Bunchee Comics has perfectly captured all those little moments dog owners have with their pets, and seeing it all illustrated like that makes it all the more hilarious. There are just moments that make us question why we've fallen in love with dogs.
Which ones were your favorites?
