MIL Chooses Dog Over Grandchild By Disregarding Requests To Keep Her Nippy Dog Away From The Baby
Dogs will be dogs and if someone doesn't want them around their child then that's valid.
- Published in Interesting
We're here with yet another post from the Just No MIL thread where people come to share their experiences and situations with their MILs. We all know that MILs can be difficult to get along with sometimes, but it's very interesting to see that everyone seems to have had negative experiences, and on the Just No MIL thread, we see some wild stories.
With this being said, we are looking into a post that was submitted by a woman who is concerned about her MIL's dog around their 1.5-year-old daughter, which is valid. The MIL doesn't want to put the dog up when they come over or come to OP's home, so they haven't been present in the life of their grandchild.
If you have a dog or understand dogs, then you know that sometimes they can be a bit unprompted. They have a lot of instincts, and sometimes they don't behave well. Having children around dogs can be dangerous, and everyone knows that, so if the parent isn't comfortable with it, then they should abide by this.
OP explains things pretty well in their post, so we'll give you the inside scoop by sharing the full original post and then looking at some of the best comments that people left on it as well.
OP explains her situation and shares that she has concerns about the dog being around her daughter and just overall the whole situation with her ILs not seeing their grandchild.
u/lizardRDOP then added an update on what her MIL says in terms of what breed her dog is but honestly, it doesn't matter because if she's not comfortable then she's not comfortable.
u/lizardRDIt's the in law's choice and OP isn't making a ridiculous request so they are really choosing to make this a big deal themselves.
luberryzooIt's important to act cautious around animals especially when children are involved because both can be quite unpredictable.
LoomingDisasterEveryone in the comments section agrees that she is making the right moves for when it comes to protecting her daughter.
Carrie_OakieSo many people are agreeing that she should be accommodating for her grandchild but for some reason she just doesn't see the full danger of it.
TheWelshMrsMIt's safe to say that dogs are very unpredictable and it's important to stay cautious and pay attention to your dogs and children around dogs.
Ok-Thing-2222There were so many different personal stories shared in the comments about what kind of encounter they've had with dogs.
AnalyticalGreyWe really do agree that it is her problem and that clearly she's making the choice herself to not come over or put the dog up.
Worker_Bee_21147Exactly this, likew e said previously the MIL is making this choice herself and if she can't respect OP then so be it.
smedz1genThis most definitely shows that people are on OP's side and think she's doing the right thing here.
blackkat1986Dogs will be dogs and it's important to be cautious around them at all times, but especially when it comes to children. Both children and dogs can be very unpredictable so it can be dangerous.
If someone doesn't want their child around a dog then they should definitely respect that.