Woman Has Had It With Her Boyfriend's Destructive Dogs Making A Mess Of Her Home, Vents To An Online Community About The Situation

She even has to clean up the ransacked trash as well as the poop and pee of the dogs she doesn't own

Woman Has Had It With Her Boyfriend's Destructive Dogs Making A Mess Of Her Home, Vents To An Online Community About The Situation

We all know that doggos are the best thing ever. But what about when they're not so trained?

I mean, let's be honest, none of us are perfect and our dogs sometimes reflect that. But what if your untrained dog is causing some MAJOR damage?

How much would you have to pay to make it right? Well, it ain't cheap.

As much as we all love our furry friends, sometimes their lack of training can cause problems for not only them but for others as well. When our dogs aren't properly trained, they can create a whole mess of damage — whether it be destroying a neighbor's flowerbed or causing injury to someone on the street.

And as much as we may love our furry companions, that damage comes with a hefty price tag. Not only do we have to pay for restitution and possibly medical bills, but many rental properties and homeowners insurance policies also include separate coverage for dog-related incidents.

And you know what other things an untrained dog can destroy? A relationship between a man and a woman.

You read that right. I mean, think about it.

Who would want to be a person who allows their dog to make a mess of their home? And what if it happens every single time?

Over at the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit, a 30-year-old woman, who also happens to be a cat mom, is complaining about her boyfriend's uber-destructive dog.

She's tired of dealing with it, so it's no surprise that the community wants her to break up with the guy.

Isn't this situation unfair to her cats?

Isn't this situation unfair to her cats?whatthewhatthrowit

The original poster's boyfriend has two untrained dogs.

The original poster's boyfriend has two untrained dogs.whatthewhatthrowit

OP has had enough, but her boyfriend is just so inflexible.

OP has had enough, but her boyfriend is just so inflexible.whatthewhatthrowit

The boyfriend's reaction is unbelievable.

Just how entitled is this guy?

The boyfriend's reaction is unbelievable.whatthewhatthrowit

The OP had to clarify that her cats are well taken care of, even if they don't live inside her house.

The OP had to clarify that her cats are well taken care of, even if they don't live inside her house.whatthewhatthrowit

We simply don't understand what this guy is thinking when he brought his untrained dogs to his girlfriend's home.

We simply don't understand what this guy is thinking when he brought his untrained dogs to his girlfriend's home.scrapqueen

What untrained dogs do.

What untrained dogs do.ArtfullySnarky

Dogs are getting hate because they're not being trained by their owners.

It's the owner's responsibility to train their dogs.

Dogs are getting hate because they're not being trained by their owners.ArtfullySnarky

This guy doesn't respect her wishes. The relationship won't work.

This guy doesn't respect her wishes. The relationship won't work.Far_Administration41

Other Redditors also believe that it's best to dump the boyfriend.

Other Redditors also believe that it's best to dump the boyfriend.invomitous-rex, whatthewhatthrowit

Is she okay being in a relationship with a lazy person?

Is she okay being in a relationship with a lazy person?Zhoenish

This guy isn't a functioning adult. Run for the hills OP!

This guy isn't a functioning adult. Run for the hills OP!Reddit

How immature!

How immature!unrepentantbanshee, elag19

Reasons why the OP should reconsider her relationship with the man.

Reasons why the OP should reconsider her relationship with the man.ladyclubs

More reasons why she should break up with him.

More reasons why she should break up with him.ladyclubs

The OP is listening to the community's advice.

The OP is listening to the community's advice.whatthewhatthrowit

Some people aren't fond of dogs. That's just the way it is and we have to respect them.

Some people aren't fond of dogs. That's just the way it is and we have to respect them.sighcantthinkofaname

Does he even have redeeming qualities?

Does he even have redeeming qualities?antiquity_queen

For this Redditor, the boyfriend isn't sleeping in a human's room.

For this Redditor, the boyfriend isn't sleeping in a human's room.elsehwere

This guy is just over the top.

This guy is just over the top.whatthewhatthrowit

The boyfriend = Dog in human's suit

The boyfriend = Dog in human's suitrez2metrogirl, Reddit, lyan-cat

Once he dumps this guy, he's good riddance.

Once he dumps this guy, he's good riddance.ellensundies

We don't think he'll ever compromise.

We don't think he'll ever compromise.Raakxhyr

Redditors gave the OP plenty of reasons to leave this guy. He's unreasonable, selfish, immature, and a whole lot more.

And even if he does have a redeeming quality, it's probably not enough to save this relationship. The OP needs to do something before the repair costs pile up.

And the guy definitely needs to do something about his dogs if he wants a successful relationship.
