Woman Takes Dog Inside Grocery Store, Gets Into A Heated Confrontation With Another Customer Who Accused Her Of Endangering Everyone's Health

Dogs belong to parks and homes, not grocery stores.

Woman Takes Dog Inside Grocery Store, Gets Into A Heated Confrontation With Another Customer Who Accused Her Of Endangering Everyone's Health

For many people, their dogs are their family, and we get it. These canines are super lovable, and it’s easy to get charmed by them.

However, they are still animals that need much supervision and carry germs. This is why some places don’t allow dog visitors. 

Federal guidelines state that dogs and other animals are not allowed in restaurants, grocery stores, and other places where food is prepared. So it’s rare to find a dog in a store with its owner. The only kinds of dogs you’d find are guide or service dogs. 

Unfortunately, many dog owners don’t abide by these laws and still take their dogs to places that prohibit their entrance.

We found a story on the AITA subreddit that tells a similar story. 

OP shared that she took her dog to the park and Petsmart, which was in the same building as the grocery store she frequented. 

Since the weather was hot and she only needed to be in the store for a few minutes, she figured that the best thing to do was take her dog inside the store.

However, one person at the store didn’t think OP should have done this, and he didn’t hold his breath. OP explained the situation, but he still didn’t believe she was right, and he was pretty vocal about it, even causing a scene. 

OP felt uncomfortable and left. However, that incident made her question whether she had been right to take her dog in, so she turned to the court of Reddit for a verdict. Check it out below!

The story in detail...

The story in detail...Reddit.com

OP has a furry friend named Peanut. After a day out at the dog park, she decided to take Peanut grocery shopping. Interestingly, OP opted to take Peanut with her into the building rather than leave the dog in the car

OP has a furry friend named Peanut. After a day out at the dog park, she decided to take Peanut grocery shopping. Interestingly, OP opted to take Peanut with her into the building rather than leave the dog in the carReddit.com

OP went with Peanut to the produce section to grab some things. There, she was approached by another shopper who scolded her for bringing a dog into the store

OP went with Peanut to the produce section to grab some things. There, she was approached by another shopper who scolded her for bringing a dog into the storeReddit.com

The post went viral, garnering over 14k upvotes and almost 7k comments. Let's see what the Reddit community had to say:

"YTA...As someone who works in a grocery store, dont bring your fucking dog to a grocery store"


"YTA...I adore dogs. I don't want to see them in grocery stores"


"..'No Pets Allowed' means 'No Pets Allowed'.."


"It’s literally the health code that PET animals are not allowed in the grocery stores"


"I love dogs but everyone knows that they’re not allowed in grocery stores."


"You’re only thinking about what’s easiest for you and now how your actions effect other people."


"You brought a pup into produce? C’mon girl, YTA"


"Yes dogs should not be in grocery stores, it's against the rules"


"Nobody wants dog doo in the same place we buy food. It's a health hazard!"


"YTA...Animals don't belong in stores, restaurants, or other indoor spaces that are not pet-oriented."


"Yes, YTA. You reek of entitlement and ruin it for people with service animals."


"YTA...Don't ever bring your dog to the grocery store again."


"The grocery store is not an appropriate place to bring your Yorkie."


The commenters believe OP is the AH. According to them, she had flouted the rules, and the customer was right to call her attention. 

They further stated that OP had only been thinking about herself, not about the inconvenience and health hazard her dog could bring to others.

You get to judge now! Do you think OP is the AH, or did the other shopper overreact? Let us know in the comments below.
