Man Tells His Parents He Wouldn't Be Visiting Them Whenever His Sisters Dog Is Around After Finding A Dog Hair In His Dinner

"They are mad at me because i'm making them choose between me and the dog."

Man Tells His Parents He Wouldn't Be Visiting Them Whenever His Sisters Dog Is Around After Finding A Dog Hair In His Dinner

What kind of people do you not trust? Folks who put mayonnaise on their fries or those who don’t like kids?

There are a lot of unpopular traits that some find weird, if it doesn’t affect them, they usually leave things be. But there’s a difference between finding it weird to it being a total dealbreaker.

One of the biggest dealbreakers are people who range from being indifferent to pets to downright hating having them around. And in one of the r/aita posts, you can be the judge if OP is TA in this situation or not.

OP and his siblings still visit their parents’ house where only they and their youngest brother stays. They come every Sunday and even the spouses of his siblings go with them.

An important fact, OP stated that they never had any pet growing up, except for a hamster his sister owned but that was only for a year. Then his sister started bringing a dog whenever they visit their parents and OP was not liking it one bit.

OP’s sister treated the dog like family, but he didn’t like seeing it walk around the house and the last straw was when he found a dog’s hair on his food during dinner. This pushed OP to tell his parents that he’d rather not visit whenever the dog was around which made them upset.

Is OP TA for making sure he wasn’t in the same place as his sister’s dog?

Is OP TA for making sure he wasn’t in the same place as his sister’s dog?Fit-Apartment6007

This is how the situation of OP and his siblings is when it comes to going home to their parents’ house and how they grew up

This is how the situation of OP and his siblings is when it comes to going home to their parents’ house and how they grew upFit-Apartment6007

OP’s sister got a dog that she loved and OP was annoyed by its ‘loitering’ but what pushed him over the edge was when he found dog hair in his food

OP’s sister got a dog that she loved and OP was annoyed by its ‘loitering’ but what pushed him over the edge was when he found dog hair in his foodFit-Apartment6007

He then informed his family that he wouldn’t visit anymore as long as the dog comes with her sister to visit which presented an ultimatum to his parents

He then informed his family that he wouldn’t visit anymore as long as the dog comes with her sister to visit which presented an ultimatum to his parentsFit-Apartment6007

This Redditor suggests that OP could've communicated it better with his family rather than giving them an ultimatum

This Redditor suggests that OP could've communicated it better with his family rather than giving them an ultimatumpdxflwerpwer

Dog hair has a weird way of being stealthy and it gets everywhere

Dog hair has a weird way of being stealthy and it gets everywheresourpatchdispatch

Dog owners can confirm that even with the actual dog gone, the hair still lingers

Dog owners can confirm that even with the actual dog gone, the hair still lingersWatsonmolly

Being in OP's shoes, it's understandable that he doesn't want to deal with the dog hair...

Being in OP's shoes, it's understandable that he doesn't want to deal with the dog hair...Strange-Bedroom4905

since dealing with them all over the house is quite frustrating...

since dealing with them all over the house is quite frustrating...Strange-Bedroom4905

but OP could've made a compromise with his sister

but OP could've made a compromise with his sisterStrange-Bedroom4905

This comment pointed out that what OP did was actually not an ultimatum

This comment pointed out that what OP did was actually not an ultimatumexaltedbythesun

But he still needs to talk about it with them if he has a real...

But he still needs to talk about it with them if he has a real...Normal-Height-8577

...aversion to the dog whether it behaves or not.

...aversion to the dog whether it behaves or not.Normal-Height-8577

It might also be a phobia he is not aware of

It might also be a phobia he is not aware ofNormal-Height-8577

The opinions about OP were mixed from NTA to TA and even to ‘Everyone Here Sucks’. In the end, the votes that were favored were him being the a**hole.

They pointed out that he could’ve gone about the situation better rather than handling it the way he did. He might be forced to iron things out so the visits would still run smoothly.
