A Friendly Dog Approaches A Kid In A Dog Park, But Instead Of Pets Gets Kicks From Its Mom

According to this entitled mom, her kid is frightened of dogs.

A Friendly Dog Approaches A Kid In A Dog Park, But Instead Of Pets Gets Kicks From Its Mom

For both dogs and their owners, a trip to the dog park is always a good time. That's because it's fun to be around other dogs.

Our beloved pets can run around in an open space. However, parents tend to think that just because it's a park, they can allow their children to play there.

There are no hard rules in some dog parks. But parents should always assume that both their children and dogs have unpredictable behaviors, which could be risky for both.

Some dogs may be friendly, but not all of them are comfortable being suddenly approached by strangers. It could frighten dogs, which could then trigger their aggression.

Moreover, most kids don't know how to properly behave around dogs, making them uncomfortable or scared. And there's always the potential for fights between dogs at the park, and kids can get caught in the middle of it if they're not careful.

All of these reasons combine to make it best that kids stay away from dog parks. They're just not safe places for them to be.

Still, some parents insist that their children can go to dog parks regardless of how bad their kids are with dogs. One redditor was even in doubt about allowing his friendly dog to approach a kid, which was then hit by the child's mom.

Let's take a look at the reaction of the "Am I The A**hole?" subreddit about the incident.

A dog owner shares his experience on Reddit.

A dog owner shares his experience on Reddit.BlueBubble22

The situation happened a long time ago, but it was still bothering him.

The situation happened a long time ago, but it was still bothering him.BlueBubble22

If this Redditor were in the same situation...

If this Redditor were in the same situation...Sillakit

People agree that it's time for the original poster (OP) to move on from the situation.

People agree that it's time for the original poster (OP) to move on from the situation.ChapSteve711

Redditors were on the OP's side.

Redditors were on the OP's side.BlueBubble22

While it's important that the mom teaches her child to overcome their fear, the dog park was not the right place for that.

While it's important that the mom teaches her child to overcome their fear, the dog park was not the right place for that.Imaginary_Being1949, BlueBubble22

The mother picked the wrong place for exposure therapy.

The mother picked the wrong place for exposure therapy.Imaginary_Being1949, badmamathree

The OP couldn't move on from the situation because his angry about his dog being hurt.

The OP couldn't move on from the situation because his angry about his dog being hurt.Neither-Entrance-208

A Redditor believes that allowing one's dog to approach a kid isn't always a good idea.

A Redditor believes that allowing one's dog to approach a kid isn't always a good idea.ElimGarakOfCardassia, YTApossibly, BlueBubble22

Some would've called the police in that situation.

Some would've called the police in that situation.MartinisnMurder

Poor sweet doggo...

Poor sweet doggo...BlueBubble22, MartinisnMurder

The majority criticizes the mom for taking her dog to the park.

The majority criticizes the mom for taking her dog to the park.greenHillzone2, RoseTyler38,

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a toothmrspurp751, BlueBubble22

Is this mom not aware of what happens at dog parks?

Is this mom not aware of what happens at dog parks?Spirit_Falcon, Snoo90169

We can never understand the mom's point

We can never understand the mom's pointodubik

Even the sign says dogs can freely run unleashed.

Even the sign says dogs can freely run unleashed.Fetedepantaloons, BlueBubble22

What an interesting dog park that is.

What an interesting dog park that is.Comprehensive-Win677, BlueBubble22

It is a dog park...

It is a dog park...anthony___fell

The mom completely missed the point.

The mom completely missed the point.badmamathree, salta61

This guy is willing to resort to violence for his dog.

This guy is willing to resort to violence for his dog.LexGuy12

It is simply wrong to hit animals unless you have to defend yourself.

It is simply wrong to hit animals unless you have to defend yourself.Oneofakindnocategory

Well, what do you think? What the mom did was just wrong.

But at the same time, if dog owners don't want to go through the same experience, they need to control their dogs well.

We hope the sweet doggo and its owner finally move on from the incident. The mom with a child who's afraid of dogs is simply in the wrong here.
