An Adorable Dog Turns His Dock-Diving Hobby Into An Illustrious Career

Dogs can learn new skills and sports, and when it gets to competing, they engage in it squarely.

An Adorable Dog Turns His Dock-Diving Hobby Into An Illustrious Career

Chewbaka has always enjoyed the water, but he never imagined he’d be able to use his hobby to compete in an official dock-diving competition. The English bulldog, who is four years old, has become one of the most decorated dogs in his breed and category.

But, if you ask him, he’s just having fun, as evidenced by the pretty funny mid-jump photos at each competition. During the pandemic, Chewy’s mother, Michelle Kinder, was looking for something to keep her son busy.

Chewy's mother ordered him a basic agility set from Amazon, which included weave poles, jumps, and a tunnel. Chewy began experimenting with the agility set in the backyard, and he was a natural.

Kinder eventually took Chewy to their local lake for practice and play, and he immediately jumped in. Kinder recognized Chewy's talent and immediately enrolled him in swim lessons and an agility class with a dock where they could practice for competitions.

Chewy spent months practicing jumping off docks before he was ready to compete. The highlight of his day is now belly-flopping into the water.

Chewy began vocalizing when they got close to a facility, and he began barking and lunging to get on the dock, which is when Kinder realized he was very excited. He will spin in circles, bark, and jump to get his bumper, and he can't wait to get in the water.

The 4-year-old English bulldog is now one of the most decorated dogs in his breed and class

The 4-year-old English bulldog is now one of the most decorated dogs in his breed and classMARK L. BAER/MLB PHOTOGRAPHY

The hobby of dock-diving came about during the pandemic

The hobby of dock-diving came about during the pandemicMARK L. BAER/MLB PHOTOGRAPHY

Chewy has already earned his Dock Junior title. He is working on his Dock Junior Advanced title.

He usually competes in the senior open division. Here's a video of Chewy jumping off a dock:


Watch Chewy jump off a dock in the video below:


Kinder treats Chewy to something he enjoys after each competition, win or lose. Kinder recognizes his accomplishments by providing him with a special treat, such as new toys or a new chew bone, which are a must.


Recognizing Chewy’s talent, she immediately signed him up for swim lessons

Recognizing Chewy’s talent, she immediately signed him up for swim lessonsSTACIE PARKS

Kinder attributes such growth to Chewy's love of the sport, and he has brought so much joy to her family. He's shown Kinder how much fun it is to work together as a team, and participating in dog sports has enabled Kinder to meet many incredible people she would not have otherwise.


Chewy practiced jumping off docks for months before he was ready to compete

Chewy practiced jumping off docks for months before he was ready to competeMICHELLE KINDER

“We will celebrate his accomplishments by getting him a special treat"

“We will celebrate his accomplishments by getting him a special treatMICHELLE KINDER

Chewy's younger brother, Little Chick, is now joining in on the fun, thanks to the legacy Chewy has established. Chewy, the active bulldog, is currently recovering from surgery for the injury he sustained, but he will return to competition soon.


Younger brother, Little Chick, is getting in on the fun now

Younger brother, Little Chick, is getting in on the fun nowSTACIE PARKS

Countless times, our furry friends have shown us that they are way beyond living ordinary lives. They can learn new skills and sports, and when it gets to competing, they engage in it squarely, making their owners proud in the process.

We know you would love to have an adorable dog like Chewy as your companion. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

