Fed-Up Woman Intends Calling Animal Control On Her Neighbor For Leaving Their Dog Barking All Day Every Day

"What’s happening in their house is having such a negative effect on mine"

Fed-Up Woman Intends Calling Animal Control On Her Neighbor For Leaving Their Dog Barking All Day Every Day

No one should ever expect that a dog would never bark, as that expectation would be crashed. In fact, it is as absurd as expecting a toddler to never speak.

However, we do know that there are some dogs that just bark unnecessarily. Finding out what makes your dog bark excessively is the first step to solving the issue, and that’s if it exists in your home.

You can start treating their barking issues after you understand why they are barking. Dogs employ vocal communication, such as barking, to convey a variety of messages depending on the circumstances.

When welcoming people or other animals, dogs can bark, but it’s typically a joyful bark, sometimes with tail wags and hopping. When a dog wants anything, such as to go outside, play, or receive a treat, they can bark.

Then again, dogs left alone for extended periods of time, whether within the home or outside, can get lonely or bored and will frequently bark out of frustration. This is the case we see in today’s story, as shared on the AITA subreddit page.

The OP and her family are totally fed up with the way the neighbor’s dog barks all day. In fact, the barking is starting to affect the OP’s house and dog in a negative way. Read the whole story as it unfolds below. 

This Redditor wants to know if she'll be at fault for calling animal control on her neighbor

This Redditor wants to know if she'll be at fault for calling animal control on her neighborsmarjack

They apologized and that was the end

They apologized and that was the endsmarjack

J is actually my neighbor's deceased ex-wife's dog

J is actually my neighbor's deceased ex-wife's dogsmarjack

There is no escape from his barking

There is no escape from his barkingsmarjack

What happening there is having a negative effect on mine

What happening there is having a negative effect on minesmarjack

The OP replied to almost all of the top comments and we've gathered some of them so you can know what other Redditors had to say.

The OP really has exhausted all possible routes

The OP really has exhausted all possible routesReddit

This Redditor requests the OP to help the poor pup

This Redditor requests the OP to help the poor pupReddit

Investing in an ultrasonic anti bark device

Investing in an ultrasonic anti bark deviceReddit

She doesn't like the dog that much

She doesn't like the dog that muchReddit

You can get something done if it barks that much

You can get something done if it barks that muchReddit

It may be worse for the dog than the barking itself

It may be worse for the dog than the barking itselfReddit

The city's by-law officers should be contacted first

The city's by-law officers should be contacted firstReddit

There is nothing that can be done if...

There is nothing that can be done if...Reddit

Thank you so much for your help

Thank you so much for your helpReddit

This Redditor wants to know if the OP has tried other means of communication

This Redditor wants to know if the OP has tried other means of communicationReddit

The lady is constantly yelling at him

The lady is constantly yelling at himReddit

The dog definitely needs a better life

The dog definitely needs a better lifeReddit

What animal control can and cannot do in this situation

What animal control can and cannot do in this situationReddit

Talking to the husband first sounds reasonable

Talking to the husband first sounds reasonableReddit

He's barking to be let in

He's barking to be let inReddit

Is there grounds to argue that the dog's being abused?

Is there grounds to argue that the dog's being abused?Reddit

It is what it is

It is what it isReddit

There is no doubt about it—dogs barking excessively can be annoying and nerve-wracking. We totally understand what the OP is passing through and why she seeks to call animal control.

We also feel for the poor dog, and we do hope the dog’s human father will intervene in this case. Do leave your thoughts about this story in the comments below.
