Woman Faces Criticism For Asking Boyfriend To Rehome Aggressive Dog, His Last Connection To Deceased Mother

"His mother never bothered training the dog to behave and when Dan started caring for it, the dog would still misbehave. "

Woman Faces Criticism For Asking Boyfriend To Rehome Aggressive Dog, His Last Connection To Deceased Mother

In a world where the blending of lives often comes with unforeseen challenges, a woman's dilemma highlights the complexities of merging households, especially when pets are involved. At 28, she finds herself at a crossroads, having to make decisions that not only affect her future with her fiancé, Dan, but also the well-being of her beloved cat.

This cat, adopted during a period of personal struggle, has become her emotional anchor, transforming her inherited house into a true home. As Dan prepares to move in, bringing along a reactive dog inherited from his late mother, tensions rise, revealing underlying issues of pet compatibility, emotional attachment, and the responsibility of caring for animals with difficult pasts.

OP meticulously details her journey, from inheriting her grandparents' home to adopting a cat that significantly improved her mental health during the lockdown. Her cat, an indoor pet with a traumatic background, requires a safe, stable environment, something the OP has painstakingly provided.

On the other hand, Dan's dog, untrained and aggressive, poses a clear threat to this carefully cultivated sanctuary. The OP's suggestion to rehome the dog with a more capable relative sparks a family and his friends' backlash, painting her as insensitive to Dan's emotional connection to the last living link to his mother.

OP and her fiancé Dan have been together for 2 years, they are considering him moving into OP's house as his lease is ending soon and the renewal rate is high.

OP and her fiancé Dan have been together for 2 years, they are considering him moving into OP's house as his lease is ending soon and the renewal rate is high.

OP inherited the house from her grandparents and has done a lot of redecorating since then and during the lockdown, but her mental health started to degrade during lockdown and she has decided to adopt a cat.

OP inherited the house from her grandparents and has done a lot of redecorating since then and during the lockdown, but her mental health started to degrade during lockdown and she has decided to adopt a cat.

The rescued cat brought significant positive changes to OP's life, prompting her to create a cozy and roomy home for her.

The rescued cat brought significant positive changes to OP's life, prompting her to create a cozy and roomy home for her.

Dan never mentioned the cat, but they got along well, but now it's become a problem.

Dan never mentioned the cat, but they got along well, but now it's become a problem.

Dan's mom died, leaving her old, untrained dog in his care, causing ongoing behavioral issues.

Dan's mom died, leaving her old, untrained dog in his care, causing ongoing behavioral issues.

The dog displays aggression towards all, including its owner, Dan, yet he plans to move into OP's place with him.

The dog displays aggression towards all, including its owner, Dan, yet he plans to move into OP's place with him.

OP has informed Dan that his dog can't stay with them due to safety concerns for her small, medically delicate cat.

OP has informed Dan that his dog can't stay with them due to safety concerns for her small, medically delicate cat.

OP suggested he consider giving the dog to his aunt, who has experience with "problematic dogs," and can help correct its behavior.

OP suggested he consider giving the dog to his aunt, who has experience with

His family and friends are pressuring both of them, accusing OP of being heartless for suggesting he rehome the dog, which holds sentimental value as the last connection to his late mother.

His family and friends are pressuring both of them, accusing OP of being heartless for suggesting he rehome the dog, which holds sentimental value as the last connection to his late mother.

If Dan properly trained the dog, it could have worked, but his negligence makes it unsafe.

If Dan properly trained the dog, it could have worked, but his negligence makes it unsafe.Reddit

OP isn't suggesting getting rid of the dog, just a change of scenery that might make him happier.

OP isn't suggesting getting rid of the dog, just a change of scenery that might make him happier.Reddit

Bringing an untrained dog into a new environment with people and a cat is a recipe for disaster.

Bringing an untrained dog into a new environment with people and a cat is a recipe for disaster.Reddit

It's irresponsible to allow a dangerous animal to jeopardize her pet's safety, making her a bad pet owner.

It's irresponsible to allow a dangerous animal to jeopardize her pet's safety, making her a bad pet owner.Reddit

Encouraging Dan to seek professional help for the dog's behavior could be beneficial.

Encouraging Dan to seek professional help for the dog's behavior could be beneficial.Reddit

He should hire a professional trainer if he can't handle it themselves, especially if he plans to move in with the dog.

He should hire a professional trainer if he can't handle it themselves, especially if he plans to move in with the dog.Reddit

Living together with Dan and his dog isn't feasible until there's a peaceful coexistence plan with OP's cat.

Living together with Dan and his dog isn't feasible until there's a peaceful coexistence plan with OP's cat.Reddit

It's OP's home, so her rules apply.

It's OP's home, so her rules apply.Reddit

It's been 1.5 years, OP should have discussed this sooner.

It's been 1.5 years, OP should have discussed this sooner.Reddit

OP's suggestion keeps the dog within the family and might even be a better environment for it.

OP's suggestion keeps the dog within the family and might even be a better environment for it.Reddit

Using emotional blackmail is not okay.

Using emotional blackmail is not okay.Reddit

OP might consider giving away her cat if she's prioritizing the relationship, just like she's asking him to.

OP might consider giving away her cat if she's prioritizing the relationship, just like she's asking him to.Reddit

Dan needs to get help with his dog's behavior, either from a professional trainer or someone who knows what they're doing. Until they can figure out how to make sure all the pets get along safely, it's understandable that the woman is hesitant about having Dan and his dog move in permanently.

She needs to stand up for her cat's safety and not feel pressured to give up her pet just to make the relationship work. Everyone's pets deserve to feel safe and happy in their home, and that should be the top priority.
