Sick With The Flu, This Guy Went To The Doctor Who Said All Of His Limbs Needed To Be Removed

Honestly, how does this happen?

Sick With The Flu, This Guy Went To The Doctor Who Said All Of His Limbs Needed To Be Removed

Ah, the common cold. Typically it sneaks up on us out of nowhere and reeks havoc on our lives, forcing us to head to a doctor even when we really don't want to. Well, for one man, the common cold ruined more than just a couple days. Alex Lewis found himself feeling pretty badly in November of 2013. 

At this time, he was a super healthy man who took really good care of himself and for this reason, he put off heading to a doctor as he figured the sickness would pass on its own. However, after two weeks of complete sickness, Lewis headed to a doctor where he was rushed into life-saving surgery. 

Lewis explained, "I contracted what I thought was a common cold and it turned into the flu which then lead to Strep A. We had no idea what that was at the time and then about two weeks later we found ourselves undergoing amputations. Arm off, legs off and then six months in hospital with facial disfigurement,"


No one would have imagined Lewis's battle with the flu was so serious, especially not his wife Lucy. "I think if it was sort of July, we would sort of questioned it," she explains. "But because it was November it was just flu time. He was still eating, he was still going to meetings and doing some work and things. It was just basically man flu."

Makes sense.

While Lucy may have assumed Lewis came down with the "man flu", it turns out he had a streptococcal infection which caused the onset of blood poisoning which eventually brought on organ failure. 

AKA this dude was dangerously close to dying.  


Watch Him Tell His Story Here

You won't believe how heartbreaking it is

Lewis was sick for about 10 days and then went into a terrible coma. Unfortunately, the coma was only the beginning of Lewis's ongoing battle with this terrible condition. In order to stop the infection from spreading, doctors had to make the tough decision to amputate both of his legs and a section of his face. Later on, he also had to have his right arm removed because the infection came back again. 


This is What Alex Lewis Looks Like Today

When just days before the incident he was a completely healthy young fatherThis is What Alex Lewis Looks Like TodayDisabled News

As you can imagine, Alex's life began to slowly fall apart as he dealt with these terrible circumstances. Obviously, this illness and it's effects completely immobilized Lewis and made it difficult and nearly impossible to do many of the things he used to enjoy. Fortunately, he has been able to get though this terribly rough time with the help of his wife and his son, Sam. 


Alex With HIs Son Sam

What an amazing father-son duo. Truly inspiring!Alex With HIs Son SamColdplaying

Obviously, Lewis's life has changed drastically from the days when he was a young, healthy father. However, he is not giving into his misfortune and proving that he can do anything he wants to do. Lewis has partaken in kayaking and skydiving and is determined to show the world his bad luck won't control his life. 


Lewis and His Wife are a Great Example of True Love

Lewis and His Wife are a Great Example of True LoveDaily Mail

Keep On Kickin' Life's Butt, Alex

You got this!Keep On Kickin' Life's Butt, AlexDaily Echo