The Internet Picks Sides After Boyfriend Blames Cat For Farting

On the subject of feline gases.

  • Published in Animals
The Internet Picks Sides After Boyfriend Blames Cat For Farting

Cats are fascinating. They have been around for centuries, and we're still learning about their unique quirks.

These felines have been the subject of some of the most exciting debates online. From how smart they are to how terrifying some people believe they are, the internet constantly talks about these cute critters. 

It doesn't help that there are many myths surrounding them. For example, some people believe cats can't be trained; others believe in popular notions like cats having nine lives.

And some believe these little fellas deserve some of the sweetness they bring to our lives in the form of chocolates. Unfortunately, these beliefs get borderline horrifying, with some cultures believing these adorable cats are witches and can steal a baby's breath.

We're proud to tell you that these are all untrue. However, we can't prove if this tweet about a boyfriend blaming a cat for farting is true or false.

It's one of those crazy debates you never expect to come across. But, interestingly, they always end in everyone learning something new and fascinating about our furry companions.

The tweet ended with the question, "Does your cat fart?"...Don't ask us cuz we don't know either.

You can already imagine that cat owners didn't hesitate to share their two cents. So it was unsurprising when the tweet went viral with over 25,000 people responding.

One funny question ended up starting a critical debate, and we bet you're itching to find out the responses from Twitter users.

No need to worry; we gathered the best comments for your viewing pleasure. Sit back, relax and enjoy!

Gaseous blame game

Is Mister Moo Moo the real culprit here?

Gaseous blame game@memesiwish

Twitter poll

Picking sides! It looks like Mister Moo Moo is leading.

Twitter poll@memesiwish

Offensive much

“How dare y’all accuse me of something so sinister?”

Offensive much@memesiwish

First time scares

The first time is always the hardest.

First time scares@ittybittywoman

Watch out for that adorable chemical weapon

New level unlocked!

Watch out for that adorable chemical weapon@CatsVaxnNatSec

An unlikely helper

You may disagree with this cat’s methods, but you’ve got to admit its results were astounding.

An unlikely helper@Sgt_NutTwister

All about gas

Four months old and killing it in the gas department.

All about gas@firepiplup

Food reactions

Finally, a reason! We’re making headway in understanding these gassy little fellas.

Food reactions@BloodOfStarsArt

Running from the crime scene

You can’t outsmart a kitty that farts.

Running from the crime scene@Hannahmstritch

The ruler of the house

Loud and bold! 

The ruler of the house@LazyRollinStone

Silent but deadly

The quiet ones are always the worst.

Silent but deadly@starlightsea_

Gaseous horrors

They are probably trying to find out whose fart is the most frightening.

Gaseous horrors@Rando_Landro

Wrong accusations

When you’re adorable, it’s easy to get away with anything.

Wrong accusations@alhayss_


No one can accuse the cat of not owning up to its gases.


Defense mechanism

“Don’t come any closer, or I’ll fart.”

Defense mechanism@ExeLiku

The internet may have many different questions about cats, but we bet you’ve never come across a debate quite like this.

It’s still pretty tricky for us to imagine cats farting, but we bet even their fart sounds are cute. There’s hardly anything these felines could pull off without making it adorable. That’s why it’s so easy for them to get away with it. 

Does your cat fart? Join this crazy debate! Let us know in the comments section.
