Woman Put A Divider Up On Her Balcony So Her Nice Neighbors Can No Longer Talk To Her Through There, Feels Sorry Now

There are certain boundaries that need to be established and obviously this was out of boundary.

Woman Put A Divider Up On Her Balcony So Her Nice Neighbors Can No Longer Talk To Her Through There, Feels Sorry Now

We're here with another awesome AITA thread post from Reddit that we want to take a look at. These posts are always very entertaining because they usually get a lot of comments on them, giving tons of different opinions and perspectives.

These posts are some of the ones we always like to cover because of just how interesting they can be. With this all being said, we are diving into a situation where someone wants to know if they are in the wrong and rude for buying a balcony separator to keep her neighbors from being able to see her on her balcony and speak to her.

This is something that people are pretty in agreement on, but some people might see it the other way around, so we want you to see just how you feel about this situation so you can add to the different perspectives.

So if you're interested in seeing the full story and seeing what people had to say in the comments section, then you'll want to keep on reading as we dive in and tell you all about the situation.

Let's dive in, and be sure to let us know your opinion after you read the whole story.

OP starts her story off by explaining her situation and where she's living and just how her neighbors have been approaching her.

OP starts her story off by explaining her situation and where she's living and just how her neighbors have been approaching her.u/Ok-Hat5039

She had a solution for this and so she bought a divider which is definitely a solution, but she feels a little bad.

She had a solution for this and so she bought a divider which is definitely a solution, but she feels a little bad.u/Ok-Hat5039

People came to the comments to let her know that she does deserve privacy and that she should definitely keep her divider.

People came to the comments to let her know that she does deserve privacy and that she should definitely keep her divider.No-Jellyfish-1208

She doesn't need to worry about what the neighbors think but we understand not wanting to come off as rude.

She doesn't need to worry about what the neighbors think but we understand not wanting to come off as rude.JustMissKacey

They do sound somewhat entitled but I'm sure they are nice, just maybe OP isn't there to make friends.

They do sound somewhat entitled but I'm sure they are nice, just maybe OP isn't there to make friends.Here_for_tea_

It's totally understandable to want your privacy, but we also understand how the neighbors might find this aggressive or rude.

It's totally understandable to want your privacy, but we also understand how the neighbors might find this aggressive or rude.ComfortableZebra2412

These are reasonable boundaries and to be honest, the balcony differences in itself should have been enough boundary.

These are reasonable boundaries and to be honest, the balcony differences in itself should have been enough boundary.crazymommaof2

OP explained that the neighbors are very nice but that OP just wants her privacy, which we get.

OP explained that the neighbors are very nice but that OP just wants her privacy, which we get.Weskit

She made a physical boundary since there's literally no way to get away from them as they are her neighbors. So I suppose it was the most reasonable answer.

She made a physical boundary since there's literally no way to get away from them as they are her neighbors. So I suppose it was the most reasonable answer.tnscatterbrain

OP was very nice in the comments and always stuck up for the neighbors saying they were nice.

OP was very nice in the comments and always stuck up for the neighbors saying they were nice.buriedclementines

This seemed like her only option and it seems like people in the comments agree with her on that. It was actually a smart idea.

This seemed like her only option and it seems like people in the comments agree with her on that. It was actually a smart idea.bellePunk

This person tried playing a little bit of devil's advocate in the situation.

This person tried playing a little bit of devil's advocate in the situation.AccordingTelevision6

We hope that this decision doesn't cause any harm to the neighbors' relationship with her but that they accept the boundaries. It's one thing if you can't take a hint, but she really set a physical boundary that made it clear what she was trying to accomplish.

What do you think about OP's decision?
