Woman Plans 2-Month Vacation With Best Friend Only To Get Ditched On Day One Because Her Boyfriend Proposed To Her
Already from the title we are mad for OP.
- Published in Interesting
The great thing about Reddit posts is that there is an array of different kinds of posts you can read and react to. The Reddit AITA thread is a thread that gets so much attention from both posters and commenters, which is why we feature them often.
This particular post is a very intriguing one as we read through what happened here and why OP is upset. Basically, she explains that she and her best friend have been planning a trip for years together.
The trip would last weeks, and it was something they both planned, paid for, and expected to go on, but then a last-minute change left OP abandoned during this vacation together. OP's best friend invited her boyfriend on the trip, and on the very first day, he proposed to her.
Following the proposal, her best friend said she was leaving to spend a week alone with her boyfriend and left OP to spend time in a country she didn't know the language of or anything. We can imagine that OP is very upset with her best friend, but her friend just doesn't see what she did wrong.
We're getting background info here on the trip they planned and the timeline that it's supposed to happen.
OP makes sure to explain that everything was 50/50 and this was a big important trip they'd planned.
This is definitely a big factor after reading the full post.
This last minute change honestly changed everything for the trip and possibly for their friendship.
We don't blame OP for trying tom ake this clear as he wasn't originally part of the plan.
This is when everything started going downhill and she felt left out after he proposed to her.
This isn't how we imagine OP wanted to spend her trip and we can totally get why she's mad.
This is when her best friend starts changing up their plan and they end up not getting to do some things they'd talked about.
We definitely would not be comfortable with this and we'd be so mad if our friend left us like that.
Clearly the friend doesn't understand how OP feels or what she's trying to say.
If we were OP we might not continue with being friends with her because of this.
If she can't see it now then she maybe never will but to us, she's acting quite selfish.
Some people think that the friendship is over or at least should be over after this.
l3ex_GWe don't think that she'd understand anyway fi she doesn't already understand honestly.
TrumpedBiglyThis might be the best answer because prioritizing the trip for herself could really make a huge difference here.
recyclopath_Some are saying to just enjoy the trip and dip out whenever she wants instead of arranging to meet with them again.
Suspended_AccountantPeople gave OP a lot of advice here and told her that she needs to really look into who her friend is showing her that she is. Clearly, she's not ag great friend if she's ditching her like this and even invited her BF in the first place.
Everyone here agrees that OP is NTA here at all.